Uliana Yarka

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Yarka Ulyana Borysivna
Birth date November 24, 1974
Birth place Lviv, Ukraine
Worked at places Lviv Polytechnic National University
Resident Ukraine
Alma mater Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Graduated 1996
Specialty "Mathematics"
Research areas Mathematical study of natural language texts in social media internet
Degree Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Supervisor Doctor of Science, Professor Kaleniuk Petro director Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences National University "Lviv Polytechnic», head of the Department of Computational mathematics and programming.
Degree awarding 2007
Current position National University "Lviv Polytechnic" Department of Social Communication and information activities Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Сторінка на lp.edu.ua Official page

Yarka Ulyana Borysivna - candidate of Physics and Mathematics, docent Department of Social Communications and Information of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic".

General Information

Date of birth: 24 November 1974


In 1996 graduated from Ivan Franko National University of Lviv Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, specialty "Mathematics" and received the qualification of mathematician teacher.

Graduate School in the Department of Computational Mathematics and programming at the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" (2002).

Dissertation was done ​​in the National University "Lviv Polytechnic" and defended in 2007 at Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.

The theme of the dissertation: "The problems of Dirichlet type for differential-operator equations of even order."

Supervisor: Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Kaleniuk Petro , head of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Basic Sciences , National University "Lviv Polytechnic", Head of the Department of Computational Mathematics and programming.

Professional experience:

Educational work


  • Mathematical Foundations of Information
  • Technology Decision Support
  • Computers and computer equipment
  • Office programming

Research interests

Mathematical processing of natural language texts in social media online.

Selected publications

More than 15 scientific publications published during the period of scientific work, done reports on more than 10 international and national conferences on differential equations.


  • Baranetsky Y.O. , Kaleniuk P.I. , Yarka U.B. Perturbations boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations of the second order // Bulletin RC "Lviv Polytechnic" . Applied Mathematics. - 1998. -№ 337.- S.70-73.
  • Baranetsky Y.O. , Yarka U.B. On a class of boundary value problems for integro-differential equations // Bulletin RC "Lviv Polytechnic" . Applied matematyka.- 1999.-№ 364.- S. 310-315.
  • Baranetsky Y.O. , Yarka U.B. On a class of boundary value problems for differential equations of even order -operatornyh // Matt. and methods of physical and fur. polya. 1999.--42, № 4.- S.1-6.
  • Yarka Ulyana Spectral properties of the boundary problem for an abstract differential equation // Visn. Lviv.un-one ser.meh. mate. 2000. Vol. 56. -S.185-192.
  • Yarka U.B. On a class of boundary value problems for differential-equations of elliptic type fuktsionalnyh izospektralnyh Dirichlet problem for Poisson's equation // Visn.Chernivetskoho Univ, sir. Mathematics 2004 vyp.191-192.-S.146-150.
  • Spectral properties of multipoint problems for Poisson equation / J. A. Baranetsky , William B. Yarka U.B. // Ninth open scientific conference of the faculty of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences, 17-18 November 2010: Theses. / Nat. University of "Lviv. Polytechnic " , Institute of example. Mathematics and fundam. Science . - Leningrad: Izd Lviv. Polytechnic , 2010. - S. 32.
  • Baranetsky Y.O. , Kaleniuk P.I. , Kopchuk-Kashetskyy AV ßðêà UB Non-local эllyptycheskye kraevыe problem with odynakovыm // The international spectrum. Science. Conf. "Differential and Integral Equations." Abstracts dopovidey.- Odessa: AstroPrynt.- 2000.- P. 22-23.
  • Baranetsky Y.O. , Yarka U.B. Differential-difference perturbation Dirichlet problem for ordinary differential equations II // The international order. Science. Conf. "Mathematical analysis and differential equations and their applications." Abstracts dopovidey.- Uzhgorod. -2006. - S.8-9.
  • Yarka U.B. Abstract perturbation differential operator of the Dirichlet problem // XI Intern. Science. Conf. them. Academician M. Kravchuk. Abstracts dopovidey.- Kyiv. 2006. - S.668.
  • Baranetsky Y.O., Yarka U.B. Solution of boundary value problems for abstract differential equations // International Conference on Functional Analysis and its Applications. Book of abstracts. - Lviv. - 2002. - P.


st. Andrey Sheptytsky, 3; 4th building, room 523

tel ..: +38 (032) 258-25-95

E-mail: skid@ridne.net; skid@lp.edu.ua


Наукові публікації Ярки У.Б. Інститут гуманітарних та соціальних наук (ІГСН) Кафедра соціальних комунікацій та інформаційної діяльності Ярка Уляна Борисівна