Gorbach Oleksandr Nazarovich
Gorbach Oleksandr Nazarovich | |
Birth date | 1973 |
Nationality | Ukrainian |
Alma mater | Ivan Franko National University of Lviv |
Graduated | 1994 |
Research areas | Foreign policy, geopolitics and political culture. |
Degree | Doctor of Political Sciences |
Supervisor | professor Getmanchuk Mukola Petrovuch,
Doctor of Historical Sciences |
Degree awarding | 2005 |
Academic status | Associate Professor |
Academic status awarding | 2009 |
Current position | Lviv Polytechnic National University, |
Gorbach Oleksandr Nazarovich — is a Doctor of Political Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Political Science and International Relations Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences Lviv Polytechnic National University .
[сховати]General information
He graduated from the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv in 1994
The doctor of political sciences of the specialization 23.00.01 - theory and history of political science.
The theme of dissertation research:, Foreign Policy Doctrine: History and modern development [Text]: the dissertation of doctor of political sciences: 23.00.01 / O.N.Gorbach, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. - Lviv., 2004. - 181 sheets - sheets 172-181 ".Defended 21.01.2005
The dissertation advisor : Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Valeriy Mykolayovych Denisenko, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv.
Academic activities
Teacher of the courses:
- Politology
- Regional geography
Scientific interests
- A specialist in the field of foreign policy, geopolitics and political culture.
Some publications:
- Foreign Policy Doctrine: History and modern development [Text]: the Scientific collections of Labor / Olexander Gorbach. - Lviv: Orion, 2005. - 155 P. - Bibliography: pages 148-154 (145 titles)
- Political science [Text]: tutorial for university students / Gorbach Olexander, Demchyshak Ruslan Bogdanovich. - Lviv: LDINTU, 2011. - 263 P. - Bibliography: pages 258-263 (94 title). -ISBN 978-966-199-015-8
- Regional geography [Text] tutorial / Turchyn Yaryna Bohdanivna , Dorosh Lesya Olexeyevna , O.N.Gorbach. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University — Lviv: Publishing office of Lviv Polytechnic, 2012. - 273 P. : illustration., table - On the title-page of the author not specified. - Bibliography. : pages 270-273. - ISBN 978-617-607-267-6
- Regional geography [Text] reference book / Turchyn Yaryna Bohdanivna , Dorosh Lesya Olexeyevna , O.N. Gorbach. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University — Lviv: Publishing office of Lviv Polytechnic, 2012. - 294 P. — Alphabetical index. : pages. 293-294. — ISBN 978-617-607-322-2
- Political science [Text]: [tutorial for university students] / Gorbach Olexander, Demchyshak Ruslan Bogdanovich ; Lviv Polytechnic National University. - Lviv: Publishing office of Lviv Polytechnic, 2013. - 257 P. - Bibliography: pages 251-257 (101 title). -ISBN 978-966-199-015-8
- O.N. Gorbach. Ukraine in the context of the dynamics of modern foreign policy doctrines //Herald GTU. Volume 24: Political science: Collection of scientific works — Sevastopol,2000. — pages 160-167.
- O.N. Gorbach. Christianity as a factor in Ukraine entry into the European political process in general // LNU Herald , series "Philosophical sciences", Volume 2 —Lviv, 2000 — pages 111-115.
- O.N. Gorbach. The establishment of foreign political relations in the Renaissance// LNU Herald, series "International Relations", Volume 5 — Lviv, 2000 — pages 125-129.
- O.N. Gorbach. Issues of foreign policy in the Ancient World // LNU Herald, series "Philosophical sciences", Volume 3. — Lviv,
- O.N. Gorbach. Christian foreign policy doctrine of the Middle Ages // History of Religions in Ukraine // Labor X-th International Scientific Conference.—Lviv: Logos, 2000. — pages 115-119.
- O.N. Gorbach. The political role of the papacy in the Renaissance // History of Religions in Ukraine // Labour XI-th International Scientific Conference. — Lviv: Logos, 2001. — pages 189-193.
- O.N. Gorbach. Church and French foreign policy seventeenth - early eighteenth century .// History of Religions in Ukraine // Labor XIII-th International Conference. —Lviv: Logos, 2003. — pages 163-167.
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