Andrii Peleshchyshyn

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Peleshchyshyn Andrii Mykolaiovych
Birth date May 21, 1973
Birth place Lviv, Ukraine
Father Peleshchyshyn Mykola Andriiovych
Relatives Rostyslav Peleshchyshyn (brother)
Citizenship Ukraine
Alma mater Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Graduated 1995
Specialty Applied Mathematics
Research areas Methods of building the Information Society
Qualification level mathematician
Degree Doctor of Technical Sciences
Degree awarding 2008
Academic status Professor
Academic status awarding 2013
Current position Department of Social Communications and Information Activities
Web-site Official page

Peleshchyshyn Andrii Mykolaiovych (May 21, 1973) - Ukrainian scientist, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of department of social communication and information activities of the Lviv Polytechnic National University, head of the scientific and methodological subcommittee on specialty 029 "Information, library and archival affairs" of the higher education sector of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


Andrii Peleshchyshyn was born on May 21, 1973 in a family of scientists. His father is Peleshchyshyn Mykola Andriiovych, and brother is Rostyslav M. Peleshchyshyn.

  • 1990-1995 – studied at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics. He graduated with honors.
  • 1996-1999 – studied at postgraduate school stationary department of information systems and networks.
  • From 1999 to 2001 – worked as an assistant.
  • Since 2001 – worked as assistant professor of the same department.
  • During 2008-2011 – worked as a professor of the department of information systems and networks.
  • Since 2016, he is the head of the scientific and methodological subcommittee on specialty 029 "Information, library and archival affairs" of the higher education sector of the Scientific and Methodological Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, he is the developer of educational standards in the specialty.

Educational work

Courses run by A. M. Peleshchyshyn:

  • Internet technologies used in processing of consolidated information resources.

Scientific activities

  • 2001 – defended his thesis on "Methods and algorithms for Web-systems modeling" specialty 01.05.02 "Mathematical modeling and computational methods."
  • 2003 – achieved an academic rank of associate professor.
  • 2008 – defended his thesis "Methods and tools for site positioning in the World Wide Web system», gaining an academic rank of Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 01.05.03 "Mathematical and software provision of computing machines and systems."

He is a member of two specialized councils in the fields of "Mathematical, Applied and Structural Linguistics" and "Telecommunication Systems"

Areas of research

  • System-building processes of the World Wide Web and methods of building an information society;
  • Social networks, virtual communities and information technologies for social communications;
  • Organization and positioning of sites, community management and information image of the institution;
  • Protection and security of the national information space;
  • Technologies of e-governance and e-democracy;
  • Information and documentation management;
  • Electronic libraries and archives, information space of institutions;
  • Social networks and virtual communities as historical sources.

Scientific guidance

A number of dissertations were successfully defended under the guidance of A.M. Peleshchyshyn:

  • Sierov Yurii - Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 01.05.03 "Mathematical and software provision of computing machines and systems";
  • Berezko Oleksandr - Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 01.05.03 "Mathematical and software provision of computing machines and systems";
  • Tymovchak-Maksymets Oksana - Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 10.02.21 "Mathematical, Applied and Structural Linguistics";
  • Fedushko Solomia - Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 10.02.21 "Mathematical, Applied and Structural Linguistics";
  • Markovets Oleksandr - Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 01.05.03 "Mathematical and software provision of computing machines and systems";
  • Alieksieieva Kateryna - Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 01.05.03 "Mathematical and software provision of computing machines and systems";
  • Huminskyi Ruslan - Candidate of Technical Sciences in specialty 21.05.01 "Information Security of the State".

The main research works

Author of 2 books and textbooks:

The author of over 60 scientific papers - a complete list and more than 100 popular materials from the world of information technology. Conducts personal column in the magazine "IT Analytics" and his own blog

Social activities

Andrii Peleshchyshyn created the following Internet projects:

Andrii Peleshchyshyn is a member of the public organization "Wikimedia Ukraine" (since 2011).


Andrii Peleshchyshyn is actively engaged in photography, in particular in the macro photo genre. Photos in this genre are posted on his personal photo site 'Macro photo'


Mytropolyta Andreya St., 3, 4th academic building, room 523

Phone number: +38 (032) 258-25-95

