Department of Social Communications and Information Activities

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Department of SCIA
Department's mission:
«Professional, high-quality training of highly skilled and responsible specialists that are able creatively, efficiently and effectively develop, analyze and implement managerial decisions; promote innovative processes using modern information and communication technologies on the basis of world and European standards.»

Location: Mytropolyta Andreya St., 3, Lviv, web-site:

Department of Social Communications and Information Activities is a teaching and research unit of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lviv Polytechnic National University that provides training of specialists in document science and data analysis".

History of the Department

Department of Social Communications and Information Activities was established on August 23, 2011. The staff of the department has already showed itself as a team of professionals: teachers, scientists and practitioners who can effectively solve a wide range of tasks in the field of information activity, using advanced technologies. From 2016 the department prepares specialists and masters in the specialty "Information, Library and Archival Affairs". An important event in the life of the department is the holding of an annual international scientific conference "Information, Communication, Society", attended by scholars from all over Ukraine and abroad.

Higher-education teaching personnel

Support staff

  1. Liubov Shashkevych (Senior teaching assistant)
  2. Ivanna Sabadash
  3. Olena Vus

Ex-staff of the department

  1. Olena Bobalo
  2. Daryna Melnyk

Postgraduates of the Department

  1. Volodymyr Vus
  2. Oleh Mastykash
  3. Henrikh Bandrovskyi

Postgraduate and doctoral studies

Department of Social Communications and Information Activities conducts training of scientific personnel in the fields of postgraduate studies and doctoral studies:

  • 01.05.02 — Mathematical modelling and computational methods;
  • 01.05.03 — Mathematical software of computing devices and systems;
  • 10.02.21 — Structural, applied and mathematical linguistics.

Executive staff of the Department

  • Head of the department: Andrii Peleshchyshyn, Ph. D. in Technical Sciences, professor, numb.:(032) 258-27-72.
  • Deputy Head of educational and methodical work: Mariia Komova, Candidate of Philological Sciences, associate professor, numb.:(032) 258-25-95.
  • Deputy head of scientific work: Yurii Sierov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, numb.:(032) 258-25-95.

Scientific activity of the department

Сфера наукових інтересів молодого колективу кафедри є симбіозом цілої низки актуальних напрямів досліджень із консолідації інформації, соціальних комунікацій, документознавства, інформаційного менеджменту, електронного урядування, прикладної психології та лінгвістики, маркетингу інформаційних продуктів і послуг тощо.Комплексність досліджень та їхня актуальність диктують потребу в обміні науковою інформацією з представниками вітчизняних та закордонних наукових шкіл, у встановленні партнерських стосунків із іншими кафедрами, установами, підприємцями, представниками влади та третього сектору. У зв’язку з цим кафедрою СКІД щовесни проводиться Міжнародна наукова конференція “Інформація, комунікація, суспільство” (ICS).

The scientific interests of the department's young team is a symbiosis of a number of topical research areas on the consolidation of information, social communication, document science, information management, e-governance, applied psychology and linguistics, marketing of information products and services, etc. The complexity of research and their relevance dictate the need for scientific information exchange with representatives of domestic and foreign scientific schools, establishing partnerships with other departments, institutions, entrepreneurs, government officials and the third sector. In this regard, the International Scientific Conference "Information, Communication, Society" (ICS) is annually held with the Department of SCIA.


Training activity

Department of Social Communications and Information Activities trains specialists in the following fields:

Graduates with Bachelor’s, Specialist and Master’s degree are able to work in organizations with different types of ownership, public and local authorities and institutions of higher education. Achieved specialty allows graduates to hold the following positions: Graduates with Bachelor’s, Specialist and Master’s degree are able to work in organizations with different types of ownership, public and local authorities and institutions of higher education. Achieved specialty allows graduates to hold the following positions:

  • Administrative manager, Deputy manager of data analysis;
  • Chief human resources officer (CHRO);
  • Document coordinator;
  • Data and database analyst;
  • Information specialist, Chief information officer (CIO);
  • Staff assistant;
  • Record services and archives manager;
  • Social communications specialist;
  • Content manager, Website maintenance specialist;
  • Competitive (business) intelligence specialist;
  • Information systems administrator (system administrator);
  • Online community administrator and moderator.

Graduates of the Department with Master’s degree are able to work in public and local authorities, run organizations with different types of ownership and business entity: educational institutions, research establishments etc.

Graduates with Master’s degree can hold the following positions:

  • Deputy manager of data analysis;
  • Chief information officer (CIO);
  • Head of department of strategic planning and forecasting;
  • Chief analytics officer;
  • Analytics advisor.

Scholarly Activity

Contact details

Department of Social Communications and Information Activities (SCIA)

Phone number: (032) 258-25-95

Веб-сайт: Спеціальність "Інформаційна, бібліотечна та архівна справа" кафедри СКІД


Address: LPNU, Mytropolyta Andreya St., 3, 4th academic building, room 523
