Buchyn Mykola Antonovych
Buchyn Mykola Antonovych | |
![]() PhD of Political Sciences, assistant professor and Social Studies | |
Birth date | 8th January 1981 |
Worked at places | Lviv Polytechnic National University |
Nationality | Ukrainian |
Degree | Candidate of Political Sciences |
Supervisor | Doctor of Historical Sciences,
Professor Hetmanchuk M., Lviv Polytechnic National University |
Degree awarding | 2007 |
Academic status | assistant professor |
Current position | Lviv Polytechnic National University |
Web-site | Official page |
Buchyn Mykola Antonovych is a PhD of Political Sciences, assistant professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
[сховати]General information
He was born on the 8th of January 1981.
He is the Candidate of political Sciences with the specialty 23.00.02 – political institutes and processes. The theme of dissertation is “The resources of election company and special aspects of their usage in Ukraine “: dissertation, cand. of pol. sciences : 23.00.02 / Buchyn Mykola Antonovych ; Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Lviv, 2007. – 196 p. – p. 179-196. The scientific degree was got on the 17th of April 2007.
The dissertation advisor: Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Hetmanchuk Mykola Petrovych, Lviv Polytechnic National University. Buchyn M. A. is an assistant of the head of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences (a dean of basic high education). He is in charge for scientific and research work of the department: scientific seminars, documentation in scientific and research work, control of making plans for research works of postgraduate students and external doctorate student, organization of research and commercial calculating works, the work with external students and publishing of the journal "The Humanitarian Visa".
Teaching work
Taught disciplines:
- politology;
- the modern tendences of international affairs;
- comparison analysis of political systems in foreign countries;
- the parlamentary theory.
Research interests
Branch of research interests:
- election process and systems;
- democratic principles of election;
- administrative resource;
- parliamentary;
- political parties and their systems.
Some publications:
Among the publications there are more than 100 scientific and methodic works.
The main are
- The theory of parliamentary : textbook for universities / M. A. Buchyn; Ya. B. Turchyn; Publishing office of Lviv Polytechnic National University. – Lviv: National University Lviv Polytechnic, 2011. – 388 p. – The name of the author is on the cover. – The bibliography is at the end of lectures.
- The administrative resource as an element of election process of the independent Ukraine / M.A. Buchyn // Ukraine in the beginning of the 21st century: social and political transformations and geopolitical challenges of modernity: materials of the scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 14th anniversary of the Independence of Ukraine, Lviv, 8th October, 2005. – Lviv: Publishing office of National University Lviv Polytechnic, 2005. – Issue №16. – p. 88-92.
- Resources of election company as an element of election process / M. Buchyn // Ukr. nat. idea: culture-specific aspects and prospects of their development: The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine: Institute for Ethnography and W. Chornovil National Institute for Modern Technologies and Management: Branch: Low Sciences. – 2010. – Issue 4. – p. 128-139.
- The administrative resource as a reason of infringement of election rights of Ukrainians: legal analysis / M.A. Buchyn // Collection of research works of W. Chornovil National Institute for Modern Technologies: Branch: Law Sciences. – 2010. – Issue 4. – p. 128-139.
- The principal of evident election as an element of democratic political system / M.a. Buchyn // // Ukr. nat. idea: culture-specific aspects and prospects of their development : collection of research works. – 2010. - №22. – p. 41-45.
- The formation of electors lists as an important aspect of the detaining of the general election principal / S. Fitsak, M.A. Buchyn // // Ukr. nat. idea: culture-specific aspects and prospects of their development. – 2010. – №22. – p. 105-109.
Deanery: vul. Mytropolyta Andreya 5, 79013, Lviv;
university building №4, office 211
tel. +38 (032) 258 – 23 – 20
E-mail: buchyn@ukr.net