Solomiia Fedushko
Solomiia Stepanivna Fedushko | |
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Birth place | Lviv, Ukraine |
Alma mater | Lviv Polytechnic National University |
Graduated | 2010 |
Specialty | Applied Linguistics |
Degree | Candidate of Technical Sciences |
Supervisor | Ph.D., prof. Andrii Peleshchyshyn |
Degree awarding | 2015 |
Academic status | Associate professor |
Academic status awarding | 2017 |
Current position | Associate professor at the Department of SCIA, LPNU |
Solomiia Stepanivna Fedushko — Ukrainian scientist, Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor at the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
In 2010 she graduated from Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Applied Linguistics.
From 2010 to 2011 - stationary postgraduate studies in Lviv Polytechnic National University in the Department of Information Systems and Networks.
From 2011 to 2013 - postgraduate studies at the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities in Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Professional Activities
From 2011 - assistant at the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities.
September 2014 - 2016 - basic higher education dean deputy of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Since 2016 - deputy head of scientific work at the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities.
From 2017 - associate professor at the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities.
Academic activities
Teacher of the courses:
Scientific work
2015 - successfully defended her dissertation for the degree of candidate of technical sciences on specialty 10.02.21 - structural, applied and mathematical linguistics.
Supervisor: PhD, Professor Andrii Peleshchyshyn, head of the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
In 2016 and 2017 - the winner of "The Best Young Scientist of the Year" (by results of 2015) [1] and "The best young scientist of the year" (according to the results of 2016) of the educational and scientific Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
In 2017 - a laureate of the regional award for young scientists and researchers for scientific achievements that promote socio-economic transformations in the region and establish a high authority among Lviv region scholars in Ukraine and in the world.
Research areas:
- Social communication system in the global World Wide Web;
- Information warfare countermeasures;
- Intelligent content analysis of virtual communities;
- Verification of personal data of web users.
Solomia Fedushko explores methods of construction and the development of virtual communities, content analysis of virtual communities, methods of classifying members of social communication and build their socio-demographic profile based on verification of the socio-demographic characteristics.
Also controls execution of undergraduate theses and dissertations. Widely used his scientific achievements in scientific work of students, student directs the preparation works participation in conferences and Lviv Polytechnic publishing articles in professional journals and international journals. Fedushko Solomia conducts active international scientific cooperation. Advisory board members of The World Academy of Research in Science and Engineering.
Included in the editorial boards of prestigious foreign journals:
- International Journal of Current Research and Modern Education;
- International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education;
- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education;
- Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature;
- International Journal of Education and Information Technology;
- American Journal of Social Science Research;
- International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education;
- The World Academy of Research in Science And Engineering;
- International Journal of Interdisciplinary Research in Arts and Humanities;
- Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science and Technology.
Fedushko S. is a reviewer of following journals:
- International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering(Scopus)
- Journal of Advances in Mathematics;
- Journal of Language, Linguistics and Literature;
- International Journal of Education and Information Technology;
- American Journal of Social Science Research;
- International Journal of Engineering Research and Modern Education;
- International Journal of Current Research and Modern Education;
- International Journal of Scientific Research and Modern Education;
- International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Education;.
Fedushko S. slso participates in the program committees of international foreign conferences:
- Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIAPP 2016);
- Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Fuzzy Logic Systems (AIFZ 2016);
- Fifth International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information Technology (ICAIT 2016);
- Fifth International Conference on Digital Image Processing and Vision (ICDIPV 2016);
- Third International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (SIGL 2016).
Participant of the organizing committee of the annual international scientific conference "Information, communication and society"(2013, 2014, 2015, 2016).
Scientific publications
There are over 100 scientific papers in the scientific achievements of S.Fedushko [2], [3] (among them there are the publications in foreign journals, part of the base Scientometrics data Scopus - Author ID: 56328252300) and educational publications.
The main research works:
- Fedushko S. Development of a software for computer-linguistic verification of socio-demographic profile of web-community member./S. Fedushko // Webology, Volume 11, Number 2, Article 126.
- Korzh R. The cataloging of virtual communities of educational thematic./ R. Korzh, A.Peleschyshyn, Y. Syerov, S. Fedushko // Webology, Volume 11, Number 1, Article 117, June, 2014.
- Fedushko S. Determination of the account personal data adequacy of web-community member /S. Fedushko, Yu. Syerov, A. Peleschyshyn, R. Korzh // International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI), Vol. 15, No. 1. January 2015. – P. 1-12.
- Syerov Yu. The computer-linguistic analysis of socio-demographic profile of virtual community member /Yu. Syerov, A. Peleschyshyn, S. Fedushko // International Journal of Computer Science and Business Informatics (IJCSBI), Vol 4, No 1, August 2013. – P. 1-13.
- Fedushko S. The verification of virtual community member's socio-demographic characteristics profile / S. Fedushko, O. Peleschyshyn, A. Peleschyshyn, Yu. Syerov // Advanced Computing: An International Journal ( ACIJ ), Vol.4, No.3, May 2013. – P. 29-38.
- Fedushko S. Design of registration and validation algorithm of member’s personal data/ S. Fedushko, Yu. Syerov // International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT) Vol.2, No.2, July 2013, pp. 93-98.
- Fedushko S. Algorithm of the cyber criminals identification / S. Fedushko, N. Bardyn // Global Journal of Engineering, Design & Technology (GJEDT), Vol. 2, No. 4(2013). – P. 56-62.
- Andrukhiv A. Integrating new library services into the University Information System / A. Andrukhiv, M. Sokil, S. Fedushko // Library management, Nr1 (6) 2014. – Gdańsk, 2014. – P. 79-87.
- Fedushko S. Concept of Strategic Positioning for Travel Agency in Social Networks / S. Fedushko, J. Bekesh // Open Journal of Communications and Software. – Vol. 1, № 2. – United State: Scientific Online Publishing, 2014. – P. 1-9.
Qualification Skills
2009 received a certificate SoftServe IT Academy "Quality Control Training".
In 2017, she was trained at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv on the theme: "Information retrieval systems in management".
From December 16, 2016 to April 26, 2017, she took the advanced training course at the Educational and Research Institute of Administration and Postgraduate Education at Lviv Polytechnic National University under the program "Internationalization in the European Higher Education Area".
Fedushko S. conducts active scientific and organizational activities and actively participates in updating the website of the department of the department of Social Communications and Information Activities. Also involved in the creation of a positive image of the information in virtual communities of the department of Social Communications and Information Activities [4][5] and the Institute of humanities and social Sciences [6]. She provides a virtual representation of Lviv Polytechnic in the most popular social networks [7], which are used to inform systematically the Internet users about the university activity.
Fedushko S administer virtual communities, including:
Supervises Scientific Cluster "IntelliGO" and student club "SKIDActive". Chief Editor of the cathedral magazine "SKIDDigest".
The department of social communication and information activities: [8]
Social networks:
- Google Scholar Profile - Solomia Fedushko
- ResearchGate
- Academia
- Список наукових праць Федушко Соломії
- Список навчально-методичних публікацій Федушко С.С.
- Вгору ↑ Best 16: winners of "Best Young Scientist of the Year" at the Lviv Polytechnic National University
- Вгору ↑ Citation of Solomiia Fedushko's works on Google Academy
- Вгору ↑ Solomiia Fedushko's scientific activity rating in ResearchGate
- Вгору ↑ Official group of the Department of SCIA in Facebook
- Вгору ↑ Official page of the Department of SCIA in Facebook
- Вгору ↑ Official website of the Institute of humanities and social Sciences the social network Facebook
- Вгору ↑ Official website of the Lviv Polytechnic National University in Facebook
- Вгору ↑ official website of the Lviv Polytechnic National University