Khavalko Viktor Mykhailovych
Khavalko Viktor Mykhailovych | |
![]() Ph.D., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Automated Control Systems | |
Birth date | March, 16; 1975 |
Nationality | Ukrainian |
Alma mater | Lviv Polytechnic National University |
Graduated | 1997 |
Specialty | «Applied Mathematics» |
Qualification level | Engineer mathematician, teacher of mathematics and informatics |
Degree | Ph.D. |
Degree awarding | 2002 |
Academic status | Senior Research Officer |
Academic status awarding | 2004 |
Current position | Department of Automated Control Systems, Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University |
Khavalko Viktor Mykhailovych — Ph. D., Senior Lecturer of the Department of Automated Control Systems of Institute of Computer Sciences and Information Technologies, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
[сховати]General information
Personal information
Date of birth: March 16, 1975
Knowledge of languages: English - good, Polish - good, Russian - excellent
Experience 15 years of pedagogical and scientific activity
Deputy Dean of the bachelor's degree in educational work and quality assurance in the educational activities of the Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
2004 - Senior Research Officer, Specialty 05.13.23 "Systems and Devices of Artificial Intelligence".
2002 - Ph.D., Theme: "Information and Analytical System for Synthesis and Image Processing Based on a Functional Approach"; Specialty 05.13.06 – "Automated Control Systems and Progressive Information Technologies"; The National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, State Committee on Communication and Informatization of Ukraine, State Scientific and Research Institute of Information Infrastructure.- Lviv, 2002.
1998-2001 - postgraduate student at the State Scientific and Research Institute of Information Infrastructure.
1992-1997 - Lviv Polytechnic State University, engineer mathematician, teacher of mathematics and informatics, specialty "Applied Mathematics"
Professional activity:
2017 till now - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Automated Control Systems, Lviv Polytechnic National University
2004-2017 - Head of the Department of Lviv College of the State University of Information and Communication Technologies (from 2013 State University of Telecommunications) and Associate Professor at the State University of Information and Communication Technologies (from 2013 State University of Telecommunications)
2001-2004 - Research Officer and Senior Research Officer of the State Scientific and Research Institute of Information Infrastructure
Pedagogical activity
Educational process, development of curricula, development of training courses, management of diploma projects.
- The theory of decision-making
- Computerized digital signal and image processing systems
Scientific interests
Information technologies, neural network technologies, methods and algorithms of image processing, systems and means of artificial intelligence, information protection
Selected publications
Author of 50 scientific papers and publications, including:
- Khavalko V.M. Image synthesis witch characterized by the point type of symmetry // Proc. Of the VI International conf. of signal and image processing and pattern recognition “Ukrobraz-2002”.- Kyiv, 2002.- P.51-54.
- Khavalko V.M. Methods and algorithms for image restoration // International Scientific and Technical Conference “Intelligent and multiprocessor systems - 2003 ”: Proc.- Divnomorsk, Gelendzhik, Russia, 2003.- Vol.2.- P.252-255.
- Manyshyn I.R., Opotyak Yu.V., KhavalkoV.M. Neural network technologies for image processing, recognition and classification // Information Technologies and Systems.- 2003.- №1-2.- Vol.6.- P. 99-107.
- Khavalko V.M., Khudyy A.M. Algorithms for image processing by means of cellular neural networks // Radio Electronic and Computer Systems.- 2004.- № 1.- P.45-53.
- Krasko O., Kolodiy R., KhavalkoV. Wavelength rearrangement and load balancing algorithm for OWTDMA-PON network// Proc. of the XIII-th International Conference Modern Problems of radio engineering, telecommunications and computer science.-Lviv-Slavske.-2016.-P.950-952.
- I.Tsmots, O.Skorokhoda, Yu.Tsymbal, T.Tesliuk, V.Khavalko Neural-Like Means for Data Streams Encryption and Decryption in Real Time // IEEE Second International Conference on Data Stream Mining & Processing (21-25 August 2018, Lviv, Ukraine).-2018.-P.438-443.
- Tsmots I.G., Opotyak Yu.V., Skorokhoda O.V., Khavalko V.M. Structure of parallel-flow neural network for data encryption-decryption // XIV International Scientific Conference " Intellectual Systems for Decision Making and Problems of Computational Intelligence".- Zaliznyi Port, Ukraine.-May 21-27, 2018.- P.285-287.
- V.Khavalko, A.Khudyy Application of Neural Network Technologies for Information Protection in Real Time // IEEE First International Conference on System Analysis & Intelligent Computing – 2018 (SAIC-2018) ( Kyiv, Ukraine October 08 – 12, 2018) (in English)
- 1999 and 2001 - Grants and internships at the Department of Computer Science of the Salzburg University, Austria.
- 2001 - Scholarship of the Head of the Lviv Region State Administration for Young Scientists.
Stepana Bandery Str., 28а, 79013, Lviv; 5-th building, room 804 g
Tel.: +38 (032) 258-26-47