Department of Cartography and Geospatial Modelling
Department of Cartography and Geospatial Modelling | |
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Abreviation | CGM |
Established | 2009 |
The task of the Department at the present stage — training for creating and using maps based on geospatial and mapping simulations using modern GIS technology.The Department provides Master courses in the Cartography major(8.070903).
Head of the Department of Cartography and Geospatial Modeling is PhD, professor, member of the Academy of Ukraine and Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine, Honored worker of Ukraine, honorary surveyor of Ukraine, Ukraine Honorary land surveyor Chernyaha Petro.
There are three professors, three associate professors, four senior teacher and five assistants (PhD) who provide Courses and researches and learning processes.
The main research area of the Department is forecasting the development of territories and their mapping with regard to functional properties and the impact of geodynamic processes.
Till 2009 mathematical modelling in geodesy, astronomy and geophysics has been a major scientific field of the Department. The creator of this field and organizer and the head of the Department was prof. H. Meshcheriakov.
In 1987 Prof. H. Meshcheriakov and Associate Professor A. Tserklevych published a monograph “The gravitational field of Mars and areoid” and in 1994 a monograph by H. Meshcheriakov, V. Zinher, P. Zazuliak, M. Aheieva “Areoids and gravitational fields of Mars satellites”. One of the best research papers of the Theory of Mathematical Processing of Geodetic Measurements Department is O. Marchenko’s thesis “The external gravitational field modeling of the Earth based on the theory of potential non-central multipoles” for which he was awarded Physics Mathematics Ph.D. This paper presents the basis of the theory of potential non-central multipoles to describe the external gravitational field of the Earth, there is suggested a convenient mathematical device which, on the one hand, provides a formalization of the approximation of geopotential tasks solving both globally and locally, and on the other hand — it summarizes a number of researches on description of the gravitational field of the planet using multipoles and systems of point masses potentials.
Nowadays the researches on scientific field of mathematical modelling in geodesy, astronomy and geophysics are proceeded by Associate Professor M. Fys, who in 1986 defended thesis «Method of the density distribution constructing and the acceleration of gravity in the middle of terrestrial ellipsoid» and successfully works at the issue of the study of the planets internal structure by mathematical modelling of internal processes inside the planets, namely
- construction of the three-dimensional models of density distribution and their coordination with the gravitational field parameters;
- discovering internal potential and comparison of the external one with those calculated by the models;
- research on the convergence of the gravitational field on the surface of the planet;
- determination of gravitational energy of ellipsoidal planets and research on this basis the state of hydrostatic planets equilibrium.
Professor of the Department P. Zazuliak conducts research figure and gravitational field of the moon. Associate Professor A. Sohor studies the parameters of the reference-ellipsoid concordance of the Earth to the data on its regional gravity field.
In 2008 Lecturer A. Brydun defended his thesis on “The Fourier series method for meromorphic functions in half-strip” and applied research results to the function of Riemann.At the Cartography and Geospatial Modelling Department were established scientific researches on the development of territories forecasting and their mapping taking into account the functional properties and effects of geodynamic processes headed by Prof., Ph.D. P. Cherniaha.Such studies are carried out on the basis of the mathematical modelling under conditions of uncertainty and systematic approach to mapping and GIS modelling. Ph.D. students and lecturers develop scientific approaches to mapping taking into consideration the spatial and temporal changes in the environment and socio-economic problems.
Research achievements
The most important research achievements of the department are:
- study density distribution bowels of the Earth, Moon and Mars and the figure of celestial bodies using the parameters of their gravitational fields;
- Multipole study describing the potential and using it to study the figures and gravitational fields of Earth and other planets;
- a multipoint heopotentsialu models and their use in the processing of international applications Merit to study the Earth’s rotation parameters and its uniformity;
- regulating the parameters of movement and rotation of the moon with the parameters of its gravitational field;
- widespread use in the practice of research methods collocation and regularization.
The contribution of individual employees in solving scientific problems above (under the direction prof.G.O.Mescheryakova) is defined as follows:
- the use of parameters of external gravitational field of the Earth in the construction of mechanical models developed by Ph.D. Golikova A.V.;
- research method of finding the three-dimensional density distribution in the body mass of the Earth for its gravitational field parameters and improvement of this method for the case of an ellipsoid made dots.Y.P.Deynenka;
- Multipole description of potential use in studying the Earth’s gravitational field was studied prof.O.M.Marchenko;
- study the gravitational field and level the surface of Western Ukraine and the Ukrainian Carpathians carried dots.E.M.Yevsyeyeva. Her PhD thesis is devoted to a detailed study of isostatic geoid in the Carpathians, a pioneer of research problems of studying the geoid USSR;
- study the shape and gravitational field of the planet Mars performed dots.Tserklevych A.L.;
- mathematical and statistical methods thickening quantitative characteristics of modern vertical movements of the crust (SVRZK) for further use in the preparation of maps SVRZK spent dots.Skryl V.A. Obtained statistical characteristics of the velocity field SVRZK Eastern Europe. On the basis of the developed technique built SVRZK map of Sakhalin;
- approximation of the global topography of the planet Mars by means of selective function did Ph.D.Polyakovska L.L.. These results can be used in the study of physical fields of the planets;
- alternative methods (L-assessment) in practice zrivnovazhuvalnyh computing geodetic measurements in Non-Gaussian distribution law of errors investigated Ph.D. Volzhanin S.D.;
- method of prediction of gravity anomalies in mountainous areas developed Ph.D. Zinher V.Y.;
- method of optimization algorithms for dynamic method in space geodesy proposed associate professor Abrykosov O.A. ;
- the impact of refractive fields on
the accuracy of the results of geodetic measurements dealt Ph.D.,Associate Professor, Hyzak L.S.