
Матеріал з Electronic Encyclopedia of Lviv Polytechnic
Перейти до: навігація, пошук
| Name                                 = 
| Image_photo                          = 
| Image name                           =
| Name when                            =
| Title                                =
| Grade                                =
| Coat of arms                         =
| Coat of arms _ name                  =
| Birth date                           =
| Birth place                          =
| Death date                           =
| Death place                          =
| Death cause                          =
| Burials                              =
| Years of life                        =
| Father                               =
| Mother                               =
| Family                               =
| Relatives                            =
| Wife                                 =
| Husband                              =
| Children                             =
| Worked at places                     =
| Resident                             =
| Citizenship                          =
| Nationality                          =
| Alma mater                           =
| Graduated                            =
| Specialty                            =
| Research areas                       =
| Qualification level                  =
| Degree                               =
| Supervisor                           =
| Degree awarding                      =
| Academic status                      =
| Academic status awarding             =
| Famous students                      =
| Famous team                          =
| Famous because of                    =
| Current position                     =
| Political party                      =
| Religion                             =
| Honorary title                       =
| Award                                =
| Decoration                           =
| Signature                            =
| Page on lp_edu_ua                    =
| Web-site                             =