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  • ...hor of many sculptural compositions, Polytechnic buildings, savings bank, "George" hotel and others. At that time in the Polytechnic school teached teachers
    11 КБ (1479 слів) - 10:49, 30 березня 2015
  • The park in St. Yuri (st. George) Square–the jewel in the emerald necklace of the city of Lviv The park in Yuri (st. George) square-the jewel in the emerald necklace of the city of Lviv.
    13 КБ (138 слів) - 10:25, 28 серпня 2020
  • # The park in St. Yuri (st. George) Square — the jewel in the emerald necklace of the city of Lviv. H Petrys
    16 КБ (244 слова) - 10:48, 10 липня 2024