Oleg Kuzmin
Oleh Kuzmin | |
![]() Prof., Sc.D. | |
Alma mater | Lviv Polytechnic National University |
Дата закінчення | 1971 |
Спеціальність | Economics and organisation of the machine-building industry |
Поточне місце роботи | Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Economics and Management. |
Oleh Kuzmin — Prof., Sc.D., Head of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Management of Lviv Polytechnic National University, Honoured Worker of National Education of Ukraine, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management of Ukraine, Academician of the Transport Academy of Ukraine, Academician of the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine.
Educational Background
- 1966–1971 – Lviv Polytechnic Institute, Engineering and Economic Faculty, specialisation “Engineer-economist”
- Lviv Polytechnic Institute, Post–Graduate and Post–Doctoral study
- PhD received in 1977, Doctor of Economic Sciences – in 1989.
Work Experience
Lviv Polytechnic National University
- 2001–present – Head of Educational and Scientific Institute of Economics and Management
- 1995–2001 – Dean of the Engineering and Economic Faculty
International activities
Oleh Kuzmin has participated in various international projects aimed at developing higher education and research, namely USAID's scientific cooperation with Wayne State University (USA) (1997-2002) in programmes of faculty exchange, curriculum harmonisation, internships; cooperation under the programme "Support to the Development of Management and Business Education in Ukraine" (1999-2000) with the universities of Minnesota, St. Thomas's Graduate School of Business (USA), Warsaw School of Economics, Olsztyn University (Poland); cooperation under the cooperation agreement with the International Finance Corporation, the World Bank (1991-2001) in the context of scientific cooperation and preparation of a particular course "Corporate Governance"; activities in the TEMPUS-TACIS project, etc. He has completed internships abroad, in particular in France and Poland. Since 2017, the professor has also been a co-coordinator of a mobility project under the inter-institutional agreement on the Erasmus+ programme between Lviv Polytechnic National University and Kingston University (London, UK) (2017-1-UK01-KA107-036029).
In 2017, Oleh Kuzmin, together with partners from Sweden, Romania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Latvia, France, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, joined another Erasmus+ project: "Implementation of the Education Quality Assurance System through University-Business-Government Cooperation in Higher Education Institutions - EDUQAS" (586109-EPP-I-2017-1-RO-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP). From September 2019 to October 2022, Oleg Kuzmin was a member of the project team for the implementation of the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module "EU competitiveness boosting: circular economy" (project number 610641-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE). In 2019-2022, he joined the Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Module "European Experience in Technology Transfer For Ukrainian Universities" project.
Under the leadership of Oleh Kuzmin, the Educational and Research Institute of Economics and Management of Lviv Polytechnic became a bronze member of the Business Graduates Association (BGA, London, UK), a world-renowned accreditation agency for business schools, the Association of MBA's (London). It is also worth mentioning that Lviv Polytechnic National University has been a leader among Ukrainian higher education institutions in the field of Economics and Business for several years in a row (in particular, in the subfields of Business and Management, Accounting and Finance, Economics and Econometrics), being ranked among the 301-400 best universities in the world.
Professor Oleh Kuzmin received many awards for his significant results in educational and scientific activities:
- state orders "For Merit" of III and II degrees (2009 and 2018, respectively);
- Certificate of Honour of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine "For Special Services to the Ukrainian People" (2015);
- award of the NGO "Union of Veterans and Employees of Law Enforcement Agencies of Ukraine" "For Service to the State" (2017);
- state award "Excellence in Education" (2003);
- state award "Petro Mohyla" (2005);
- medal "15 years of the Armed Forces of Ukraine" (2006);
- Ivan Ohienko Medal (2021);
- acknowledgement of the Lviv Customs of the Ministry of Revenue and Duties of Ukraine (2014);
- award of the Lviv Regional Council (2014);
- Hryhorii Skovoroda Medal of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (2014);
- Diploma of Lviv Customs of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (2017);
- Diploma of the Lviv Regional State Administration (2019);
- certificate of appreciation from the Committee on Industrial Policy and Entrepreneurship of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (2019);
- certificate of appreciation from the Ukrainian National Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce (2019);
- acknowledgement of the Association of Professional Customs Intermediaries (2019);
- acknowledgement of Lviv Customs of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (2019);
- acknowledgement of the European Business Association (2019);
- award "Honorary Professor of Lviv Polytechnic" (2023), etc.
Scientific work
Oleh Kuzmin authorises about 1300 scientific works, including over 200 monographs and approximately 60 articles indexed in the international scientometric databases Scopus and Web of Science. He has supervised 31 doctoral and more than 100 PhD theses. Since 1994, he has been the Chairman of the Specialised Academic Council K 35.052.03 for the defence of PhD theses, and since 2007 - of Doctoral Dissertations D 35.052.03 at Lviv Polytechnic National University. He acted as Deputy Chairman of the Specialised Academic Council for Doctoral Dissertations at the State Institution "M.I. Dolishnyi Institute of Regional Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine". He is the founder of the Scientific School of Process and Structured Management. Under his scientific supervision, some state budget and contractual research topics have been implemented.
Oleh Kuzmin is the executive editor of the English-language journal Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management and a member of the editorial board of the scientific and practical journal Regional Economics. In the past, he was the editor-in-chief of the Lviv Polytechnic National University Bulletin "Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Stages of Formation and Development Problems", as well as a member of the editorial board of the scientific and production journal "Design, Production and Operation of Motor Vehicles and Trains", the Investment Bulletin, Foreign Economic Activity, Management, Economy and State, and others.
Additional Information
Oleh Kuzmin is an academician of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Management of Ukraine, the Transport Academy of Ukraine, the Academy of Economic Sciences of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences of Higher Education of Ukraine. He has worked in various structures of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, including as a member of the Economics Section of the Scientific Council, a member of the Presidium of the Scientific and Methodological Commission for Management and Administration, Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council of the State Accreditation Commission for Management and Trade, and a member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission for Business Administration. He also served as Chairman of the Subcommittee "Management of Foreign Economic Activity" of the Scientific and Methodological Commission on Management and Administration.
In 1992, Oleg Kuzmin headed a team of experts to develop and implement the Programme for privatising municipal property in the Lviv region. In 1993, he participated in the Centre for Economic Reforms work under the Prime Minister of Ukraine. He became one of the authors of the Package of Measures for Reforming the National Economy. He was a member of the Advisory Council to the Head of the Lviv Regional State Administration and a member of the Economic Council to the Mayor of Lviv. He headed the Economics Sector of the Western Scientific Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He also served as an advisor to the heads of the Lviv Regional State Administration and the Mayor of Lviv.
Under the leadership of Professor Oleh Kuzmin, the Educational and Research Institute of Economics and Management has successfully implemented dual education programmes with well-known international companies PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and Nestlé Ukraine LLC.