Andrii Hachkevych

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Andrii Hachkevych
Birth date December 12, 1982
Birth place Lviv, Ukraine
Worked at places Lviv Polytechnic National University
Resident Ukraine
Alma mater Ivan Franko Lviv National University
Graduated 2004
Research areas International Law, Intellectual Property, Social Networks, Self Management
Degree PhD in International Law
Academic status Docent
Current position Associate Professor

Andrii Hachkevych (* December 12, 1982, Lviv) is an Associate Professor at the Department of International Information of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences, Lviv Polytechnic National University, PhD in International Law, Docent.

Academic Career

He obtained his Master’s degree in International Law for the paper entitled “Legal Regulation and Offshore Activity” from Ivan Franko Lviv National University in 2004. After the graduation, he was appointed an Assistant Lecturer to the Department of Engineering Pedagogics. His primary courses include Fundamentals of Law and Economic Legislation. He completed successfully compulsory advanced training in Intellectual Property for the teachers at the Institute of Intellectual Property and Law in 2005. Next year he moved to the Department of International Department, which had been just established to prepare students to become international analysts. He was an Assistant Lecturer in 2006-2010 teaching courses in International Law, Conflicts of Law and Intellectual Property. As a Senior Teacher in 2010-2019, he became an academic advisor of more than twenty students who have built successful careers in diplomacy, HR, information technology, social media marketing and business analysis. He was a co-author of the educational programme on International Information. From 2012-2016, he was a Ph.D. Candidate at the Koretsky Institute of State and Law of National Academy of Science of Ukraine where he received Ph.D. in Law. Since 2019, he has been working as an Associate Professor.

Delivers lectures for the students of educational programs "International Information" and "International Relations" from the following courses:

  • "International Law"
  • "Law of Social Networks"
  • "Self Management"
  • "Analytical and Legal Aspects of International Information Relations"
  • "Legal Fundamentals of the Information Market" (Ukrainian and English)
  • "Intellectual Property" (Ukrainian and English)

Scientific Papers

Foreign Publications

Book Chapters

  1. Hachkevych, Andrii, Anna Koziarska. "Intellectual Property Commercialization Management as Innovative Activity of Scientific Institutions." In Manufacturing Processes. Actual Problems 2022. Volume 1: Basic Science Applications and Consideration of Related Factors in Manufacturing Processes, 187-193. Opole: Politechnika Opolska, 2022. [1]
  2. Hachkevych, Andrii. "The Ehrlich Conception of Comparative Public Law." In Discovering the Unexpected: Comparative Legal Studies in Eastern and Central Europe, edited by William Butler and Oleksii Kresin, 319–334. Clark, New Jersey: Talbot Publishing, 2021.
  3. Wołczański, Tomasz, Andrii Hachkevych, and Kateryna Kushnerova. "How to manage anti-trafficking public information campaign." In Manufacturing Processes. Actual Problems 2020. Tom 3. Safety Engineering in Manufacturing Processes, 211-218. Opole: Politechnika Opolska, 2020. [2]
  4. Haczkewych, Andrij. “Ab Initio. Ehrlich’s Theory of International Law.” In The Force of Law instead of the Law of Force. Ludwik Ehrlich and His Contribution to the Development of the Science of International Law and the Science of International Relations, edited by Patrycja Grzebyk, Rafał Tarnogórski, 133-144. Warsaw: Polish Institute of Foreign Affairs, 2020. [3]
  5. Hachkevych, Andrii, and Natalia Dolishna. “A Comparative Analysis of the Forms in Which Leading Ukrainian Think Tanks Present the Results of Their Information Activity.” In Challenges of Information Society. Polish and Ukrainian Experiences, redakcja Ewalina Kancik-Kołtun, 137-150. Lublin: Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, 2018. [4]

Journal Articles

  1. Hachkevych, Andrii. “What Do “Cross-Currents” Mean in International Law: From Albert Venn Dicey to Ludwik Ehrlich. Some Remarks on Fragmentation.” Polish Yearbook of International Law XL (2020): 131-149. (indexed in Web of Science and Scopus).
  2. Hachkevych, Andrii. “The Ehrlich Conception of Comparative Public Law.” Journal of Comparative Law 16, no. 1 (2021): 231–242.
  3. Hachkevych, Andrii. “The Method of New Positivism as Elaborated by Ludwik Ehrlich.” Polish Yearbook of International Law XXXVIII (2018): 99–113. (Indexed in Web of Science).
  4. Hachkevych, Andriy. “Ludwik Ehrlich. Cracow Period of His Life (1940-1968).” HSS XXII, no. 2 (April-June 2017): 85-91.
  5. Hachkevych, Andriy. “Some Aspects of Ludwik Ehrlich's Teachings on International Legal Personality.” Law and Politics 5, 1 (2014): 138-143. [5]
  6. Hachkevych, Andriy. “The Free City of Gdansk: the Question of Legal Personality in the Works of L. Ehrlich.” HSS XVIII, no. 2 (April-June 2013): 41-51.

Domestic Publications

Journal Articles

  1. Hachkevych, Andrii. “Double Standards in the EU Migration Policy and the Temporary Protection of Fleeing the War in Ukraine.” Mediaforum: Analytics, Forecasts, Information Management: Collection of Scientific Papers 11 (2022): 162-179. [6]
  2. Hachkevych, Andrii, Vlada Sirosh, and Anna Shevchuk. “Theoretical and Methodological Bases of States’ Use of Branding and Reputation Management as Tools to Manage Private Companies.” International Relations, Social Communication and Regional Studies 9, No. 1 (2021): 358-370. [7]
  3. Hachkevych, Andrii, and Marta Yavorska. “Identical Approach to the National Branding.” International Relations, Social Communication and Regional Studies 8, No. 2 (2020): 57-72. [8]
  4. Hachkevych, Andrii, and Petro Pentsak. “Non-obvious Subtleties of Plagiarism Identification and Scandalous Speeches of Famous American Politicians.” Theory and Practice of Intellectual Property, No. 2 (2020): 12-21. [9]
  5. Hachkevych, Andrii, and Tetiana Kazarian. “Undertaking of Adequate Measures as a Feature of a Trade Secret: Analysis of US Experience.” Legal State 34 (2019): 106–115. [10]
  6. Hachkevych, Andrii, and Tetiana Kazarian. “The Identification of Trade Secret Elements: United States v. Chung.” Theory and Practice of Intellectual Property, No. 2 (2019): 24-30.
  7. Hachkevych, Andrii. “The Nicaraguan Civil War (1981–1988) and the Concept of a Hybrid Warfare.” International Relations, Social Communication and Regional Studies 4, No. 2 (2018): 90-99.
  8. Hachkevych, Andrii. “Ludwik Ehrlich: Life Path and Scientific Heritage.” Comparative Law Research: Ukrainian-Greek International Scientific Law Journal, No. 1 (2014): 74-82. [11]
  9. Lun, Yurii, та Andrii Hachkevych. “Principles of Differentiating the Scopes of National Legal Systems on the Internet.” Actual Problems of International Relations 102, Part 1 (2011): 73-76.
  10. Hachkevych, Andrii. “Fundamental Rights and Duties of States: on the Basis of Ludwik Ehrlich’s Views.” Problems of International Relations: Collection of Scientific Papers, No. 2 (2011): 54-66. [12]
  11. Hachkevych, Andrii. “Considering the Origin of the Term of International Law in Ludwik Ehrlich's Conception.” Law of Ukraine, No. 1 (2010): 163-168. [13]
  12. Hachkevych, Andrii. “Theory of Fundamental Differences in International Law.” Actual Problems of Politics. Collection of Scientific Papers 38 (2009): 392-401. [14]
  13. Hachkevych, Andrii. “The Theory of Social Contract as the Basis of Obligatory Force of International Law Norms in the Conception of Ludwik Ehrlich.” Law of Ukraine, No. 3 (2009): 120-125. [15]
  14. Hachkevych, Andrii. “Sources of International Law and the Teachings of L. Ehrlich.” Legal Ukraine 71, No. 11 (2008): 113-118. [16]

Texbooks Chapter

  1. Hachkevych, Andrii. "Method of Modeling in the Political Science." Political Science. Methodology: Textbook, edited by O. Habriyelian, 219–226. Kyiv: PH "Academy", 2012. [17]

Other Relevant Papers

  1. Hachkevych, Andrii. "International law." In Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine. Volume 20: Medical — Mikoyan, 645-646. Kyiv: Institute of Encyclopedic Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2018. [18]
  2. Hachkevych, Andrii. "International Court of the United Nations." In Encyclopedia of Modern Ukraine. Volume 20: Medical — Mikoyan, 651-652. Kyiv: Institute of Encyclopedic Research of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2018. [19]
  3. Hachkevych, Andrii. "International Legal Views of Ludwick Ehrlich. Abstract of the Dissertation for Obtaining the Scientific Degree of Candidate of Legal Sciences." Kyiv: Koretsky Institute of State and Law of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2016.
  4. Hachkevych, Andrii. "Conduct of Persons Attribution to the State as an Element of Internationally Wrongful Act and the Information Society Challenges." In The Science of International Law at the Turn of the Century. Tendencies of Development and Transformation: Special Edition of Scientific Articles / edited by Prof. V.M. Repetskyi, 37-44. Lviv: Faculty of International Relations of Franko Lviv National University, 2016. [20]
  5. Hachkevych, Andrii. "The Harmonization of the Ukrainian Legislation with the Legal Standards of the EU in the Field of Intellectual Property." Young Nation 29, 4 (2003): 79-86. [21]


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