Tetiana Bilushchak

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Bilushchak Tetiana Mykolaivna
Biluschak T M.jpg
Birth date March, 6, 1987
Birth place Stryi, Lviv region
Citizenship Ukraine
Nationality Ukrainian
Alma mater Lviv Polytechnic National University
Graduated 2010
Specialty Documentation and informational activities
Research areas Documentation and information support of the institution,

social communication, archival and Internet sources

Degree Candidate of Historical sciences
Supervisor Doctor of Historical sciences,

Professor Terskyi Sviatoslav

Degree awarding 2015
Academic status Associate Professor
Famous students Candidate of historical science
Current position Lviv Polytechnic National University, Department of Social Communications and Information Activities, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences

Bilushchak Tetiana Mykolaivna (*March 6, 1987) – Ukrainian scientist, candidate of historical science, assistant at the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities, Lviv Polytechnic National University.


She was born March 6, 1987 in a family of engineers and teachers in Stryi, Lviv region.

In 2009 graduated with honors from Lviv Polytechnic National University; specialty – “Documentation and informational activities” and gained Specialist degree in documentation and informational activities. In 2010 graduated with honors from Lviv Polytechnic National University; gained Master’s degree in “Management of educational institution”.

In November, 2009, was awarded a diploma of Lviv Polytechnic National University for success in study and active public activity. She is an author of the articles on public topics in university weekly “Audience”; also she was a member of “Prosvita” society.

A diploma for success in study and active public activity

Since November,2010, she worked at the Department of Foreign Languages in Lviv Polytechnic National University as senior laboratory assistant.

Since December, 2010, she has been a postgraduate student at the Department of History, theory and practice of culture in the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences in Lviv Polytechnic National University.

In November, 2011, was awarded a diploma for active participation in scientific conference “Land forces of Ukraine: history, modernity, development”.

A diploma for active participation in scientific conference “Land forces of Ukraine: history, modernity, development”

Since August, 2011 till present she is an assistant at the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities in Lviv Polytechnic National University.

In 2015 she successfully defended a thesis at the meeting of Specialized Academic Council in Ukrainian scientific and research Institution of archive and documentation in State Committee of archives of Ukraine, specialty – historiography, source study and special historical disciplines. Theme of thesis - “Archive sources of the military affairs in the second half of 14-18 century in Lviv: classification , functions, informational potential.”

In May 2017, she received the honorary third place in the VІІ All-Ukrainian competition "Moral act" as a co-director of the social-cultural project "War concerns everyone" and received gratitude from the "Association of Ukrainian Workers" and the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University for forming an active civic position and high moral convictions of the student youth and younger generations.

Gratitude from the Association of Ukrainian Workers. The honorary third place in the VІІ All-Ukrainian competition "Moral act" as a co-director of the social-cultural project "War concerns everyone"

Academic activities

Courses run by T.M. Bilushchak

  • Organization of exhibition activities
  • Computer technologies in office administration
  • Archival studies
  • Document management
  • Computer science and computer engineering, part 1
  • Internet technologies and resources
  • Office administration

Scientific and methodical work

Research areas

  • Documentary and informational support of Institution activity;
  • Archival and Internet sources for the study of historical topics.

Tetiana Bilushchak is an active participant in Internet project "Lviv. Photos of the modern city."

She is the author of several scientific papers and methodical materials.nearly 52 guidelines, 2 tutorials and 1 book of lectures are developed in collaboration with other researches.

She is the author of 25 scientific works and educational and methodical publications. She has developed in co-authorship about 62 guidelines, 4 tutorials, 3 lecture notes, 6 training courses registered at the university, and also co-authored 2 collective monographs and 1 encyclopedic edition.

Grant applications

  • In 2018, participated as a project implementer in an application for the F83 Competition "Scientific Projects of Young Scientists" in 2019. Theme: "Digitization of the archival sources in times of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic". The project's registration number is F83 / 45553.

She takes part in the preparation of students on the "Information, Library and Archival Affairs" course at the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities.

The main research works:

  1. Bilushchak T. Documents Central State Historical Archives in Lviv as a Channel of Social Communication / Т. Bilushchak // Proceedings 4th International Academic Conference of Young Scientists “Humanities and Social Sciences 2013” (HSS-2013). — Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2013. — Electronic edition on CD-ROM., P. 100 -102.
  2. Peleshchyshyn A. Analysis and classification of historical-oriented Internet sources / А. Peleschyshyn, Т. Bilushchak // Proceedings 5th International Academic Conference of Young Scientists “Humanities and Social Sciences 2015” (HSS-2015). — Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing House, 2015. — Electronic edition on CD-ROM., P. 200-202.
  3. Myna Zh.Using International Standards of Quality Management System in Higher Educational Institutions / Zh. Myna, U. Yarka, O. Peleschyshyn, Т. Bilushchak // Proceedings of the XIIIth International Conference “Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science” (TCSET'2016). – Lviv, 2016. – P. 834-837.
  4. Bilushchak T. Historical and documentary research of the funding for military and defence projects in analysis of documents which produced in the chancery of Lviv magistrate during XVII-XVIII centuries / Т. Bilushchak, S. Shelomentsev -Tersky // Молодой ученый. — Россия, г. Казань, 2014. — №3. — С. 699-702.
  5. Bilushchak T. Using Archival Documents Created in the Chancellery of Magistrate in Defense Study of Lviv in XIV-XVIII Centuries / Т. Bilushchak, S. Shelomentsev-Tersky // Global Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (GJISS), Vol. 3, No. 1(2014). – P. 19-22. – Available at: http://gifre.org/library/upload/volume/19-22-vol-3-1-14-gjiss.pdf.
  6. Білущак Т.М. Засоби опрацювання вхідної кореспонденції на підприємстві з використанням офісного пакету / Т.М. Білущак, Ю.О. Москалюк // Наукові записки. Серія «Культура та соціальні комунікації». – Острог: Видавництво Національного університету «Острозька академія», 2012. – Вип. 3. – С. 32-43.
  7. Білущак Т.М. Стан озброєності Високого замку у Львові за актовими джерелами / Т.М. Білущак // Держава та армія: Вісник Національного університету «Львівська політехніка». – №752. - Львів, 2013. – С. 24-30.
  8. Білущак Т.М. Зброя середньовічного Львова (за актовими джерелами) / Т.М. Білущак // Військовий-науковий вісник. – Випуск 19. Львів: АСВ, 2013. – С. 3-11.
  9. Білущак Т. Автоматизація реєстрування вхідної кореспонденції на підприємстві з використанням офісного пакету / Т. Білущак, Ю. Москалюк // Матеріали І Міжнародної наукової конференції «Інформація, комунікація, суспільство» (ICS-2012). – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2012. – С. 18– 20
  10. Білущак Т. Оптимізація діловодства за допомогою бази даних / Т. Білущак, Ю. Шевчук // Інформаційно – документальні комунікації в глобалізованому суспільстві: Матеріали Міжнародної науково – практичної конференції м.Київ, 21-22 березня 2013, Національний авіаційний університет – К.:НАУ, 2013. – С. 38-40.
  11. Лісіна С.О. Архівні матеріали з історії м. Львова в системі інформаційних ресурсів / С.О. Лісіна, Т.М. Білущак // Інформаційні технології і системи в документознавчій сфері: Матеріали III Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. – Донецьк: ДонНУ, 2013. – С. 39-41.
  12. Білущак Т. Огляд впровадження стандарту у сфері керування документацією за кордоном / Т. Білущак, З. Пилат // Матеріали ІІ Міжнародної наукової конференції «Інформація, комунікація, суспільство» (ICS-2013). – Львів-Славське : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – С. 70– 72.
  13. Білущак Т. Роль інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій у роботі служби документаційного забезпечення управління / Т. Білущак, М. Клепуц // Матеріали ІІ Міжнародної наукової конференції «Інформація, комунікація, суспільство» (ICS-2013). – Львів-Славське : Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2013. – С. 60–62 .



Social Communication and Information Activities Department:

Mytropolyta Andreya St., 3, 4th academic building, room 523

Phone number: +38 (032) 258-25-95

E-mail: Tetiana.M.Bilushchak@lpnu.ua; skid@ridne.net; skid@lp.edu.ua