Andrii Peleshchyshyn

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Peleshchyshyn Andrij M.
Birth date May 21, 1973
Birth place Lviv, Ukraine
Worked at places Lviv Polytechnic National University
Resident Ukraine
Alma mater Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
Graduated 1995
Specialty Applied Mathematics
Research areas Methods of building the Information Society
Qualification level mathematician
Supervisor Doctor of Historical Sciences
Academic status Professor
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Peleshchyshyn Andrij Mukolajovuch (May 21, 1973) - ukrainian scientist, doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of department of social communication and information activities of the Lviv Polytechnic National University.


Peleshchyshyn Andrij was born on May 21, 1973 in a family of scientists. Father - Peleshchyshyn Nikolai Andreyevich brother - Rostislav N. Peleshchyshyn.

  • 1990-1995 – studied at the Ivan Franko National University of Lviv at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics. He graduated with honors.
  • 1996-1999 – studied in graduate school stationary department of information systems and networks.
  • From 1999 to 2001 – worked as an assistant.
  • Since 2001 – worked as assistant professor of the same department.
  • During 2008-2011 – worked as a professor of the department of information systems and networks.

Educational work

Courses are taught:

  • Internet technologies elaboration of consolidated information resources.

Scientific activities

In 2001 defended his thesis on "Methods and algorithms for modeling Web-systems" specialty 01.05.02 "Mathematical modeling and computational methods."

In 2003 he received rank of associate professor.

In 2008 he defended his thesis "Methods and tools for site positioning system World Wide Web», gaining a scientific degree of doctor of technical sciences, specialty 01.05.03 "Mathematical and software of computers and systems."

Is a member of two specialized councils specialties "Mathematics, Applied Linguistics and structural" and "Telecommunication systems".

Areas of research

  • Processes backbone World Wide Web;
  • Methods of information society;
  • Positioning sites in the WWW;
  • Social networks in the WWW and information technology of social communications.

The main research works:

Author of 2 books and textbooks:

  • Peleshchyshyn A.M.Pozytsionuvannya sites in the global information seredovyschi.- Lviv : Izd National University "Lviv Polytechnic" , 2007.- 258s.
  • Pasichnyk V., Zhezhnych P., Kravets R.B., Peleshchyshyn AM, Tarasov D.M.Hlobalni information systems and technology (efficient model analysis, processing and data protection) .- Lviv : Vyd- t National University "Lviv Polytechnic" , 2006.- 350p.
  • Peleshchyshyn A., Zhezhnych P.I., Markovec O.V., development of complex Web sites using programming languages ​​PERL.- Lviv : Izd National University "Lviv Polytechnic" , 2007.- 160p.

The author of over 60 scientific papers - a complete list and more than 100 popular materials from the world of information technology. Conducts personal column in the magazine "IT Analytics" and your own blog

Жирний текст Peleshchyshyn Andrij create these projects:

Peleshchyshyn Andrij is a member of the public organization "Wikimedia Ukraine" (since 2011).


st. Andrey Sheptytsky, 3; 4th building, room 523

tel ..: +38 (032) 258-25-95
