Kolomyya Polytechnic College

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Kolomyya Polytechnic College
Gerb krk lp.png
Abreviation KPC
Established 1894
Liquidated 1991
Liquidation cause reorganization
Director Білейчук Василь Степанович
Page on lp.edu.ua Official page

Due to the decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine on May 17, 2000, № 139, Kolomyia mechanics and technical college is renamed Kolomyia polytechnic college, because college prepares specialists in different fields and professions and the name Mechanics and technical college can’t illustrate real directions of preparing specialists.

Due to the decree of the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine on January 22, 2010, № 33, a separated structural unit Kolomyia polytechnic college of National university "Lviv Polytechnic" has been created.

For Students

Kolomyia polytechnic college is a complex, which contains all facilities for studying, resting and developing of talent:

  • Comfortable buildings in the city center
  • Leading methods and technologies of studying
  • Library, which contains more than 100 000 books
  • Reading hall
  • Great logistical base, according to the governmental standards
  • New methodology programs
  • Excellent sport complex
  • Assembly hall
  • Publishing and methodological center
  • Training and production workshop
  • Dining hall
  • Students’ hostels.

Special Fields and Majors of the College:

  • 5.03050701 Marketing Activities
  • 5.03050801 Finance and Credit
  • 5.03050901 Accounting
  • 5.03060101 Organization of Production
  • 5.05010301 Software Development
  • 5.05020201 Assembling, Maintenance of Facilities and Systems of Automate Production
  • 5.05050207 Maintenance and repair of the Equipment of Chemical and Oil-Gas Industries
  • 5.05160203 Modeling and Construction of Industrial Products
  • 5.05180102 Processing of Wood BA (for short term studying) in such major: 6.030509 Accounting and Audit