Institute of Law and Psychology

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Institute of Law and Psychology
Abreviation ILPS
Established 2011
Head of department Sc.D., Prof. Volodymyr Ortynskyy
Page on Official page

Institute of Law and Psychology (ILP) was established in February 2011 as a result of the reorganization of the Faculty of Law in the Institute of Advanced Technologies and Entrepreneurship named after V. Chornovil and joining the Department of Pedagogy, Psychology and Law Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of Lviv Polytechnic National University.

General Information

The staff of the newly established Institute is more than 110 people, among them are 16 doctors of sciences, professors, more than 50 candidates of sciences. Conceptual "niche" of ILP among other schools in Lviv region, which are preparing lawyers, journalists, psychologists is serving the needs of the economy and industrial engineering, procurement, construction, commercial and residential structures, external and internal turnover, settlement of labor disputes, etc (commercial law, administrative law, international trade law, various kinds of examination, psychology of management activities, vocational studies, etc.).

Administration of the Institute

Volodymyr Ortynskyj - Head of the Institute Doctor of Law, Professor, Honored Lawyer of Ukraine, law expert according to State Accreditation Committee, Head of Lviv Union of Lawyers of Ukraine organization, Head of Specialized Scientific Council of Institute on the protection of scientific dissertations on law.


  • Law (Bachelor, Specialist, Master);
  • Practical Psychology (Bachelor);
  • Journalism (Bachelor);
  • Management of Educational Institutions (Master).

The Institute has a specialized Council 35.052.19 K for the dissertations on the degree of Candidate of Science in the specialty: 12.00.07 Administrative Law and Procedure; Financial law; Information Law, and 12.00.01 Theory and History of State and Law; The history of Political and Legal Studies.

List of Departments