Institute of Enterprise and Perspektive Technologies

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Institute of Enterprise and Perspektive Technologies
Logo IPPT.png
Abreviation IEPT
Established 2010
Head of department Ph.D., Assoc.Prof. Yosyp Khromyak
Page on Official page

Institute of Entrepreneurship and Advanced Technology is a teaching and research subdivision of Lviv Polytechnic National University formed due to decree №83-10 in 28.05.2010.

General information

Institute has subordinate branches of Lviv Polytechnic National University in Drohobych (82100, Drohobych, Sichovykh Striltziv str., 2) and in Stryj (82400, Stryj, Sichovykh Striltziv str., 12в).

The Institute consists of seven departments. Research and teaching staff of the departments (2 doctors of sciences, 61 candidates of sciences, 53 senior teachers and 30 teachers) provides teaching at high professional level.