Olga Melnyk
Olga Melnyk | |
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Науковий ступінь | Sc.D. (ДД №009269) |
Вчене звання | Professor (12ПР №008262) |
Поточне місце роботи | Lviv Polytechnic National University, Head of the Department of Foreign Trade and Customs |
E-mail: olga.g.melnyk@lpnu.ua
- 1 Position
- 2 Education
- 3 Professional activity
- 4 Educational work
- 5 Scientific and research work
- 6 Participation in state budget work
- 7 Participation in economic contracts
- 8 Participation in grants
- 9 Head of scientific directions of the department
- 10 Membership in commissions
- 11 Membership in specialized academic councils of the defence of Candidate and Doctoral dissertations
- 12 Key honorary titles and awards
- 13 Qualification training
- 14 Defended Candidate dissertations under guidance
- 15 Other achievements
- 16 Scientific profiles
Head of the Foreign trade and customs department
Lviv Polytechnic National University, bachelor and master diploma with honour, specialization «Management of foreign economic activity», 2001
Professional activity
2012 – present – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Head of the Department of Foreign Trade and Customs, Professor in charge of European Studies
2011 – 2012 – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Professor of the Management and International Business Department
2009 – 2011 – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Doctorate of the Management and International Business Department
2005 – 2009 – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Assos. Professor of the Management and International Business Department
2002 – 2005 – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Assistant of the Management and International Business Department
Educational work
Teaching courses: "Historical paradigms and modern management theories", "Socio-economic diagnostics of enterprise activity in the context of European integration", "Budgeting of foreign economic activity of the enterprise", "Introduction to the speciality "Management"
Scientific and research work
Title of PhD thesis: «Budgeting in enterprise management system» (speciality «Economics, organization and management of enterprises»), 2004.
Title of doctoral dissertation: «Polycriterial diagnosis systems of machine-building enterprises activity on the bases of business indicators» (speciality «Economics and management of enterprises»), 2011.
Participation in state budget work
Responsible executor in state budget themes:
- DB / THEOR «Formation and development of indicators system of enterprises production and economic activity: theoretical, methodological and methodical principles», 2007-2008.
- DB / Factor, «Polycriterial diagnostics of enterprises activity, based on indicators matrix», 2009-2010.
- DB / PSM «Methodology and tools of process-structured management», 2011-2013.
Participation in economic contracts
- No 1586 «Improvement of the information support for budget development of CJSC «Mayak»», 2005.
- No 1666 «Improvement of the management system and information support of the SACA «Artem»», 2005-2007.
- No 0271 «Development of the diagnosis system of the activity of CJSC «Avtonavantazhuvach» based on indicators», 2008.
- No 125 «Formation of the system of development of brigadiers administrative and managerial competencies of LLC «Auchan Ukraine Hypermarket»», 2014-2015.
- No 421 «Optimization of the technology of foreign economic operations of LLC «Trading House «GALKA»», 2016.
- No 599 «Development of economic diagnostics system at the Subsidiary Enterprise «Class-contact» of the Limited Liability Company «International Information and Consulting Group»», 2017.
- No 639 «Formation of the system of development of professional managerial competencies of the brigadiers of LLC «Auchan Ukraine Hypermarket»», 2017
- No 902 «Costs optimization for the formation and maintenance of production reserves of LLC «Research and Production Company «Marka», 2018.
- No. 101 "Optimisation of the technology of foreign economic operations of Electroprylad LLC, 2019.
- No. 365 "Development of project management technology in the customs brokerage activities of FSO GROUP UA LLC", 2019.
Participation in grants
- Erasmus+, Jean Monnet Academic Modules “EU competitiveness boosting: circular economy” (CirclE) (610641-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE), PIC number: 998579305, 01/09/2019-21/08/2022
- Grant of the President of Ukraine to Doctors of Sciences for carrying out scientific research in 2018: project F83/81-2018 «Reformation of Ukrainian customs system in terms of European integration» (Order of the State Fund for Fundamental Research from June 4, 2018, No. 8, state registration number 0118U000887)
- Grant of the President of Ukraine for Doctors of Sciences for carrying out scientific research in 2016: project F66 «Harmonization and unification of the normative and methodical, interpretation and identification base of socio-economic diagnosis in the conditions of European integration», (2016)
- Grant of the President of Ukraine to support scientific research of young scientists: project GP / F13 / 0012 «Formation of the budgeting system and balanced indicators system of enterprise activity: theoretical foundations and methodological provisions», (2007)
- Grant of the President of Ukraine to support scientific research of young scientists: project GP / F27 / 0068 «Development of the matrix model of the target selection of representative indicators for the enterprises assessment», (2008)
- Grant of Lviv Polytechnic National University: project «Innovative systems of economic diagnosis of enterprises based on indicators: theoretical, methodological and methodical foundations», (2008)
Head of scientific directions of the department
- «Problems of formation of management systems in the context of European integration» (state registration number 0118U000346) (2018-2022)
- «Problems of management of foreign economic and customs activities of enterprises» (state registration number 0113U001363) (2013-2018)
- «Formation of indicators systems for assessing economic activity and competitiveness in machine-building and instrumentation» (state registration number 0107U009523) (2007-2012)
Membership in commissions
- Since 2019 - Ambassador of the Business Women's Chamber of Ukraine
- Since 2019 - Member of the Scientific and Methodological Commission 5 on Business, Management and Law of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, member of the subcommittee on speciality 073 "Management"
- Since 2017 - Member of the Scientific and Expert Council at the Department of Economic Policy of the Lviv Regional State Administration
- Since 2016 - Member of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the examination of projects of scientific works, scientific and technical (experimental) developments of young scientists, section «Economic transformation; demographic changes and well-being of society»
- Since 2016 - Member of the Scientific and Methodical Commission 6 of Business, Administration and Law of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Deputy Head of Subcommittee on specialty 073 «Management»
- Since 2015 - Member of the Scientific Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, section «Economics»
- 2005-2013 - Secretary of the subcommission «Management of Foreign Economic Activity» of the Scientific and Methodical Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of the field of knowledge «Management and Administration»
Membership in specialized academic councils of the defence of Candidate and Doctoral dissertations
- Specialized Academic Council D 35.052.03 – Lviv Polytechnic National University
- Specialized Academic Council K 35.860.02 – Lviv Regional Institute of Public Administration of the National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine
Key honorary titles and awards
- Award "Jerusalem Cross" of the UGCC, 2021 (certificate No. 27 of 20.09.2021)
- Award "Excellence in Education", 2020
- Gratitudes of Lviv Customs of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (2017)
- Awards of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine «For Merits to the Ukrainian People» (2017)
- Laureate of premium of the regional state administration and the regional council for employees of scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and higher educational institutions of the Lviv region (2017)
- Laureate of premium of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for outstanding achievements of youth in development of Ukraine in the nomination «For scientific achievements» (2012)
- Laureate of premium of the Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) of Ukraine for the most talented young scientists in the field of fundamental and applied research, scientific and technological developments (2009)
- Gratitudes of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2009, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2016)
- Best Young Scientist of Lviv Polytechnic National University (2010)
- Awards of Lviv Polytechnic National University (2008, 2009)
Qualification training
- 2005 – internship at JSC «Lviv Plant of Hydromechanical Transmissions»
- 2009 – internship at JSC «Avtonavantazhuvach»
- 2012-2013 – training at a seminar of psychological and pedagogical knowledge at Lviv Polytechnic National University
- 2014 – internship at the Institute of Regional Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
- 2015 – internship at the State Research Institute of Customs (Khmelnytsky)
- 2018 - international academic and scientific internship at the Faculty of Management of the Stanisław Staszyc Mining and Metallurgical Academy in Krakow (Poland)
- 2018-2019 - studying at the corporate training programme "University Management. School of Leadership" at Lviv Business School of the Ukrainian Catholic University and SoftServe
- 2019 - internship at the Lviv Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Defended Candidate dissertations under guidance
The scientific counsellor of 11 Candidate dissertations
Other achievements
- Business coach in the "School of Exporter for Beginners" organised by Lviv Regional State Administration, Lviv Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Association of Professional Customs Intermediaries and Lviv Polytechnic National University (2018-2019)
- Head of the European Economics Section of the Ukrainian Association of European Studies (https://jmce.ukma.edu.ua/uk/uaes-people)
- Member of the Ukrainian Association of Teachers and Researchers of European Integration APREI (since 2018)
Scientific profiles