Technical and Economic College

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Technical and Economic College
Logo LTEK.jpg
Abreviation TEC
Established 1940
Liquidated 2006
Liquidation cause reorganization
Director Ph.D., Assoc.Prof. Liudmyla Ivanets
Page on Official page

General information

Staffing, learning, teaching, material and technical support of the educational process in college meets the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Quality social-humanitarian, natural-scientific and professional training of junior specialists and bachelors is carried on under the curriculum developed according to the standards of higher education.

117 teachers work in a college, for 100 of whom it’s the main working place (12 methodologists, 59 teachers of the highest category, 9 PhDs, 7 assistant professors). 23 teachers are graduates of the native college.

The educational-material base of college meets the requirements of curricula and programs fully. For the valuable providing of educational process 14 laboratories, 43 cabinets and 5 educational-productive workshops were created here. The light, spacious classrooms, laboratories, workshops are provided for a training process by a necessary modern equipment, instruments and tools. Cabinets meet sanitary-hygienic requirements and have the proper aesthetic appearance. Layouts and models made by students on the classes of groups of technical creativity or on the enterprises are constantly used during the educational process. The descriptions of laboratory and practical work, process maps, information and methodical literature, teaching aids, visual aids and stands are available in the laboratories and classrooms. Work on updating and replenishment of logistics is constantly carried out.

History of College

In pre-war 1940 in Lviv there was founded a College of Municipal Construction, which now has the status of a state technical and economic college. A few years ago, it joined Lviv Polytechnic National University as a separate structural unit. The year 1982 became remarkable for the educational establishment because the College of Municipal Construction moved into the new modern educational building in Pasichna St. It allowed to strengthen radically its training base, open a number of new specialties, which significantly affected the quality of knowledge of its graduates. Many of them are now heading a large enterprises in the western region.

The impetus to qualitative changes in training of the competent public utilities was the joining the Lviv Polytechnic College. The joining substantially allowed to perfect the educational process, which acquired the practically-applied direction during the last years, that is especially important under conditions of significant experts deficit of this profile in Ukraine. Currently, there are 14 laboratories, 43 classrooms and 5 training and production workshops with modern equipment and tools. This allows Lviv Technical and Economic College hold leading positions among similar schools in Ukraine.

Educational process

All teachers are combined into 11 cyclic commissions – social-humanitarian and natural-scientific disciplines, and 7 - for producing respective specialties.

In its work the college teaching staff is guided by the fact that each of its graduates must become not only a qualified expert, who is able to work in a market economy, but also a person, a citizen and a patriot of Ukraine.

With the aim of deep mastering of material, activation of cognitive activity of students, besides traditional lectures and seminars, teachers use various forms and methods of lessons: problem lectures, seminars-disputes, business games, binary lessons, practical research, lessons-excursions with their further analysis, analysis at work.

The priority direction of studies is the organization of an independent work of students in the audience and outside, at the same time college teachers not only give an opportunity to the future specialists to independently master some material but also try to bring up in them a requirement for a self-education and self-perfection.

Such forms of methodological work as educational seminars on the actual topics, a school of young teacher, a school of advanced experience, exhibitions of guidance paper gained widespread use in the college.

Research and practice conferences that come forward as a form of exposure and generalization of the best pedagogical experience became original balance of the work of teachers.

The work of the teaching staff is aimed at individualization of educational process. Most capable and diligent students receive scholarships, Chornovil prize, scholarship of the President of Ukraine and the Verkhovna Rada.

Scientific work holds one of the first places in the college. The scientific student community works here. The annual scientific-methodical conferences have become a tradition, where leading scientists, teachers and students, from many institutions of Lviv have the opportunity to share experience and report about the results of the scientific activity.

List of specialties

  • 5.03050901 - "Accounting" (full-time, part-time) - 2 years / 3years .;
  • 5.03050401 - "Business Economics" (full-time, part-time) - 2years / 3years;
  • 5.03040101 - " Jurisprudence " (full-time, part-time) - 4 years / 3 years;
  • 5.06010101 - "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" (full-time, part-time) -3 years / 4 years;
  • 5.06010113 - "Installation, maintenance of equipment and systems of gas supply" (full-time, part-time) - 2.5/ 3.5/ 3 years;
  • 5.06010114 - "Installation and maintenance of domestic sanitary engineering systems and ventilation " (full-time, part-time) - 3 years / 4 years / 3years;
  • 5.06010114 - "Installation and maintenance of domestic sanitary and ventilation systems" (full-time, part-time) - 3 years / 4 years / 3years;
  • 5.05060103 - "Installation and maintenance of heat engineering equipment and heat supply systems" (full-time department) - 2.5/ 3.5 g/ 3 years;
  • 6.030509 - "Accounting and Auditing" (bachelor) (full-time, part-time) - 2 years.

A bachelor in "Account and audit" has the high potential of fundamental education, is prepared for organizationally-administrative, registration-analytical and research activity in the field of economics on a production, services, in a management and research establishments in accordance with the received profession. An admission is conducted on the basis of academic level "junior specialist".

Junior specialist in "Business Economics" is the specialist with the professional level of education, prepared for planning and administrative, financial activity on primary positions of economist in the state (municipal) spheres of economy and public authorities, other spheres of economy (manufacturing, construction, service delivery, etc.).

Junior specialist in "Accounting" has qualification of "junior in accounting" and is appointed for accounting-analytical and auditing work in organizations, enterprises and establishments of different field of activity of all patterns of ownership on the primary positions of accountant, accountant-inspector.

Junior specialist in the specialty "Jurisprudence" is appointed for work in the municipal authorities, justice, courts, notariate, in public and local authorities, legal and personnel services of enterprises, institutions and organizations of all patterns of ownership.

Junior specialist in "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" is appointed for work in construction organizations and subdivisions of different industries of the national economy, the operation of residential, civil and industrial buildings and structures, in project and designer organizations on the positions of master, worker, technician.

Junior specialists in "Installation and maintenance of equipment and systems of gas supply" are prepared for professional career in the field of planning, exploitation of equipment and systems of qas-supplying, construction and installation of gas supply on the primary positions of master, dispatcher, engineering of gas facilities, gas station mastering, territorial-production and scientific-production associations, organizations of housing and communal services, work in subdivisions and gas services of the industrial enterprises of agricultural sector.

Junior specialist in specialty "Installation and maintenance of domestic sanitary engineering systems and ventilation" has the opportunity to work in the field of planning, installation and operation of internal sanitary systems and equipment; in design organizations, on the primary positions of senior master, performer of works, chief of the production and technological association, technique plumber, engineer, foreman housing department, housing office.

Junior specialist in "Installation and maintenance of heat engineering equipment and heat supply systems" is appointed for activity in the operating and industrial enterprises of different patterns of ownership from a production, transporting, use of thermal energy, from installation, fettling and exploitation of boiler rooms, housing networks, heat supply system, heating, hot water-supply, ventilation, air conditioning.

A specialist is used on positions of master, worker, controller of computer-assisted centers, and also for work in project and designer organizations.

The preparation of bachelors and junior specialists of all licensed professions is accomplished at the department of distance learning. In addition, at the department of distance learning the retraining of specialists is conducted in specialty "Installation and maintenance of equipment and systems of gas supply" (term of training - 9 months). The college has a license on retraining specialists in "Construction and operation of buildings and structures" and "Installation and maintenance of domestic sanitary and ventilation systems". College also provides advanced training of experts in the basic accredited specialties. College graduates from all specialties can continue their studies at Lviv Polytechnic National University to get higher education for academic level of bachelor, engineer, master of the short term training.

College graduates have practical skills of work with the use of the informative systems.

Educational-material base of college

The educational-material base of college meets the requirements of curricula and programs fully. For the valuable providing of educational process 14 laboratories, 43 cabinets and 5 educational-productive workshops were created here. The light, spacious classrooms, laboratories, workshops are provided for a training process with a necessary modern equipment, instruments and tools. Cabinets meet sanitary-hygienic requirements and have the proper aesthetic appearance. Layouts and models made by students on the classes of groups of technical creativity or on the enterprises are constantly used during the educational process. The descriptions of laboratory and practical work, process maps, information and methodical literature, teaching aids, visual aids and stands are available in the laboratories and classrooms. Work on updating and replenishment of logistics is constantly carried out.

The level of the computer facilities of educational process is also satisfactory. Presently 117 units of computer machines are actively used in an educational-training process. All computers are interconnected by a local network. Students have the opportunity of free access to the Internet system.

There is a library with a reading-room in a college. It is a cultural and educational, cognitive, informative center which works according to the principles of priority of reader interests taking into account their age and individual characteristics. Accessibility of information, diversity of library works and providing of educational process by textbooks and additional literature as well as educational and methodological support are available electronically, promoting the development of the mother tongue, and enriching of readers with knowledge of history of the native land, its ecology, economy.

A reading-room has 90 individual places, accumulates subscription editions, reference books, encyclopedias and manuals, textbooks and fiction. A library fund presents 76 thousand copies, most of which are textbooks and supplementary literature; third of fund is fiction. For the last two years over 1200 units of books were received, among which manuals and textbooks for the students of all specialties. All takings were published in an official language.

Library staff not only serves the readers, but is in constant search for new forms of popularization of literature, education of reading culture of the student youth, making of abilities to be oriented in the growing stream of information.

Besides the lecture theatres, in the teaching building of the college a comfortable assembly hall, a dining-room for 300 people, sport and trainer halls, sports grounds are situated. In the college much attention is paid to physical education of students, because a physical training and sport promote a healthy lifestyle, the development of physical education and sport. Traditional athletic competitions and "Days of health", "Cossack funs", sporting hikes of club "Chuhayster" are hold annually. There are sporting sections of volley-ball, basket-ball and football. Classes of checkers and chess, which promote the development of logical thinking are conducted here. Thus, a college has the glorious past, successful present and hope for a successful future.

Cyclic commissions of college

  • Commission of humanitarian disciplines
  • Commission of natural-mathematical disciplines
  • Commission of foreign languages
  • Commission of disciplines of computer preparation
  • Commission of socio-economic disciplines
  • Commission of the fundamental and professionally-oriented, special disciplines, 5.03040101 Jurisprudence
  • Commission of economy and bussiness, 5.03050401
  • Commission of professionally-oriented, special disciplines 5.06010113 "Installation, maintenance of equipment and systems of gas supply"
  • Commission of the professionally-oriented, fundamental, special disciplines, 5.06010114 "Installation and maintenance of domestic sanitary engineering systems and ventilation "
  • Commission of professionally-oriented, special disciplines 5.05060103 "Installation and maintenance of heat engineering equipment and heat supply systems".

Life and Leisure

A number of students’ societies works in a college. The results of their work are exhibitions of technical works, research works, conferences, round tables with the participation of the industry workers. In the college much attention is paid to education of youth. Conversations with the law enforcement officials and doctors interest the students and call for the healthy lifestyle. The formation of a human conception of the world is impossible without knowledge of the history and present time. The counsels of groups put many efforts to acquaint students with the different magic corners of our country, historical and natural sights, the spiritual heritage of the Ukrainian people. The creative meetings with poets and writers of Lviv region, actors, artists aimed at forming of youth spirituality are conducted here.

Students enhance their level of culture due to visiting museums, theatres, exhibitions and concerts. The young people of college are creative, talented and sharp. Students with pleasure prepare festive concerts, participate in various competitions such as "Best in profession", "Miss-college" and others. Students from all regions of Ukraine study in the college. A hostel that is located near the teaching building becomes a new home for them during the studying . It has 600 seats. Teachers, staff and educators are paying a lot of attention to creation of the proper conditions for living of students.

The Council of self-government works in a dormitory. The main questions that it decides are protection of student interests and providing the implementation of duties by them, promoting the creation of the appropriate living conditions and rest, active participation in organizations of leisure, control for the economy consumption of energy and careful attitude toward property. The proper discipline of general residence and tidiness of apartments is maintained in a dormitory. Every year there is a competition for the best room, block, floor. For organization of leisure and rational use of free time of students that live in a dormitory, specialists with lectures, psychologists, lawyers, narcologists, actors, writers, social teachers, specialists of medical center and college teachers are invited here.

Orphans need special attention and social protection of the staff. Today there studies 15 such boys and girls and only the close and daily collaboration of the administration, teachers, counsels, educators will help to provide their socialization in society.

The sanatorium "Zhayvir", where students can have health examination and improvement, a medical center, a dentist are at students’ disposal on the territory of the hostel. The staff of the college has creative energy and high professional knowledge that is a convincing privilege in execution of new important tasks in the preparation of specialists.