Відмінності між версіями «Список наукових праць Мирослави Бублик»

Матеріал з Electronic Encyclopedia of Lviv Polytechnic
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Рядок 6: Рядок 6:
# Bublyk M.I. Methodical Approach to Assessing the Readiness Level of Technologies for the Transfer / Chukhray N., Shakhovska N., Mrykhina O., Bublyk., M., & Lisovska L. // Shakhovska, Natalya, Medykovskyy, Mykola O. (Eds.) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing IV (AISC). Series Volume 1080. – Springer International Publishing, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. – 2020. – XIII, 971 – P. 259-282. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-33695-0_19.
# Bublyk M.I. Methodical Approach to Assessing the Readiness Level of Technologies for the Transfer / Chukhray N., Shakhovska N., Mrykhina O., Bublyk., M., & Lisovska L. // Shakhovska, Natalya, Medykovskyy, Mykola O. (Eds.) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing IV (AISC). Series Volume 1080. – Springer International Publishing, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. – 2020. – XIII, 971 – P. 259-282. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-33695-0_19.
==Публікації у наукових виданнях==
===Індексовано в НМБД Web of Science (фахові видання)===
# Bublyk M.I. Social minima and their role in the formation of household welfare in Ukraine (Article) / Shpak N. O., Bublyk M. I., Rybytska O. M. // Науковий вісник Полісся (Scientific Bulletin of Polissia). – 2017. – № 1 (9), ч. 1. – P. 63–71. ISSN: 2410-9576; 2225-5508 (Фахове видання). (Індексовано в НМБД Web of Science).
# Bublyk M.I. Analysis impact of the structural competition preconditions for ensuring economic security of the machine building complex (Article) / Bublyk Myroslava, Koval Viktor, Redkva Oksana // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій (Marketing and Management of Innovations). – 2017. – № 4. – С. 229–240. DOI: 10.21272/mmi.2017.4-20 (Фахове видання). (Індексовано в НМБД Web of Science).
===Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus===
# Bublyk M. Innovative development of human capital in the conditions of globalization: Conference Paper / Kuzmin, O., Bublyk, M., Shakhno, A., Korolenko O., & Lashkun H. // E3S Web Conf. – 2020. – V.166, 13011. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202016613011 (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
# Bublyk M. Intelligent system of visual simulation of passenger flows: Conference Paper / Matseliukh, Y., Vysotska, V., & Bublyk, M. // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. – 2020. – V. 2604, 906. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2604/paper60.pdf (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
# Bublyk M. Intelligent system of passenger transportation by autopiloted electric buses in Smart City: Conference Paper / Bublyk, M., Matseliukh, Y., Motorniuk, U., & Terebukh, M. // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. – 2020. – V. 2604, 1280. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2604/paper81.pdf (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
# Bublyk M. Forecasting Temperatures of a Synchronous Motor with Permanent Magnets Using Machine Learning: Conference Paper / Oleh Soprun, Myroslava Bublyk, Yurii Matseliukh, Vasyl Andrunyk, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Ivan Dyyak, Anatoly Yakovlev, Michael Emmerich, Oleksandr Osolinsky, Anatoliy Sachenko // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Mathematics. Information Technologies. Education, MoMLeT&DS 2020, 2-3 June 2020, Lviv-Shatsk, Ukraine. – 2020. – V. 2631. – P. 95–120. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2631/paper8.pdf. (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
# Bublyk M. Analysis of the Demand for Bicycle Use in a Smart City Based on Machine Learning: Conference Paper / Diana Koshtura, Myroslava Bublyk, Yurii Matseliukh, Dmytro Dosyn, Liliya Chyrun, Olga Lozynska, Ihor Karpov, Ivan Peleshchak, Mariya Maslak, Oleg Sachenko // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Mathematics. Information Technologies. Education, MoMLeT&DS 2020, 2-3 June 2020, Lviv-Shatsk, Ukraine. – 2020. – V. 2631. – P. 172–183. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2631/paper13.pdf. (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
# Bublyk M. Forecasting the Risk of Cervical Cancer in Women in the Human Capital Development Context Using Machine Learning: Conference Paper / Iryna Bodnar, Myroslava Bublyk, Oleh Veres, Olga Lozynska, Ihor Karpov, Yevhen Burov, Petro Kravets, Ivan Peleshchak, Olena Vovk, Olga Maslak // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Mathematics. Information Technologies. Education, MoMLeT&DS 2020, 2-3 June 2020, Lviv-Shatsk, Ukraine. – 2020. – V. 2631. – P. 491–501. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2631/paper36.pdf. (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
# Bublyk M. Optimization Model of the Buses Number on the Route Based on Queueing Theory in a Smart City : Conference Paper / Liliia Podlesna, Myroslava Bublyk, Igor Grybyk, Yurii Matseliukh, Yevhen Burov, Petro Kravets, Olga Lozynska, Ihor Karpov, Ivan Peleshchak, Roman Peleshchak // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Mathematics. Information Technologies. Education, MoMLeT&DS 2020, 2-3 June 2020, Lviv-Shatsk, Ukraine. – 2020. – V. 2631. – P. 502–515. (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
==Публікація матеріалів конференції==
==Публікація матеріалів конференції==

Версія за 21:44, 31 серпня 2021


  1. Бублик М. І. Організаційні та фінансові механізми розвитку транскордонного співробітництва: монографія / Копилюк О. І., Бублик М. І., Куцаб П. А., Музичка О. М. – Львів : СПОЛОМ, 2020. – 208 с.
  2. Бублик М.І. Техногенні збитки у національному господарстві: економічне оцінювання та засади державного регулювання : монографія / М.І. Бублик. – Львів: Видавництво Львівської політехніки, 2015. – 420 с.

Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus

  1. Bublyk M.I. Methodical Approach to Assessing the Readiness Level of Technologies for the Transfer / Chukhray N., Shakhovska N., Mrykhina O., Bublyk., M., & Lisovska L. // Shakhovska, Natalya, Medykovskyy, Mykola O. (Eds.) Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing IV (AISC). Series Volume 1080. – Springer International Publishing, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. – 2020. – XIII, 971 – P. 259-282. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-33695-0_19.

Публікації у наукових виданнях

Індексовано в НМБД Web of Science (фахові видання)

  1. Bublyk M.I. Social minima and their role in the formation of household welfare in Ukraine (Article) / Shpak N. O., Bublyk M. I., Rybytska O. M. // Науковий вісник Полісся (Scientific Bulletin of Polissia). – 2017. – № 1 (9), ч. 1. – P. 63–71. ISSN: 2410-9576; 2225-5508 (Фахове видання). (Індексовано в НМБД Web of Science).
  2. Bublyk M.I. Analysis impact of the structural competition preconditions for ensuring economic security of the machine building complex (Article) / Bublyk Myroslava, Koval Viktor, Redkva Oksana // Маркетинг і менеджмент інновацій (Marketing and Management of Innovations). – 2017. – № 4. – С. 229–240. DOI: 10.21272/mmi.2017.4-20 (Фахове видання). (Індексовано в НМБД Web of Science).

Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus

  1. Bublyk M. Innovative development of human capital in the conditions of globalization: Conference Paper / Kuzmin, O., Bublyk, M., Shakhno, A., Korolenko O., & Lashkun H. // E3S Web Conf. – 2020. – V.166, 13011. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/202016613011 (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
  2. Bublyk M. Intelligent system of visual simulation of passenger flows: Conference Paper / Matseliukh, Y., Vysotska, V., & Bublyk, M. // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. – 2020. – V. 2604, 906. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2604/paper60.pdf (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
  3. Bublyk M. Intelligent system of passenger transportation by autopiloted electric buses in Smart City: Conference Paper / Bublyk, M., Matseliukh, Y., Motorniuk, U., & Terebukh, M. // CEUR Workshop Proceedings. – 2020. – V. 2604, 1280. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2604/paper81.pdf (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
  4. Bublyk M. Forecasting Temperatures of a Synchronous Motor with Permanent Magnets Using Machine Learning: Conference Paper / Oleh Soprun, Myroslava Bublyk, Yurii Matseliukh, Vasyl Andrunyk, Lyubomyr Chyrun, Ivan Dyyak, Anatoly Yakovlev, Michael Emmerich, Oleksandr Osolinsky, Anatoliy Sachenko // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Mathematics. Information Technologies. Education, MoMLeT&DS 2020, 2-3 June 2020, Lviv-Shatsk, Ukraine. – 2020. – V. 2631. – P. 95–120. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2631/paper8.pdf. (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
  5. Bublyk M. Analysis of the Demand for Bicycle Use in a Smart City Based on Machine Learning: Conference Paper / Diana Koshtura, Myroslava Bublyk, Yurii Matseliukh, Dmytro Dosyn, Liliya Chyrun, Olga Lozynska, Ihor Karpov, Ivan Peleshchak, Mariya Maslak, Oleg Sachenko // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Mathematics. Information Technologies. Education, MoMLeT&DS 2020, 2-3 June 2020, Lviv-Shatsk, Ukraine. – 2020. – V. 2631. – P. 172–183. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2631/paper13.pdf. (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
  6. Bublyk M. Forecasting the Risk of Cervical Cancer in Women in the Human Capital Development Context Using Machine Learning: Conference Paper / Iryna Bodnar, Myroslava Bublyk, Oleh Veres, Olga Lozynska, Ihor Karpov, Yevhen Burov, Petro Kravets, Ivan Peleshchak, Olena Vovk, Olga Maslak // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Mathematics. Information Technologies. Education, MoMLeT&DS 2020, 2-3 June 2020, Lviv-Shatsk, Ukraine. – 2020. – V. 2631. – P. 491–501. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2631/paper36.pdf. (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).
  7. Bublyk M. Optimization Model of the Buses Number on the Route Based on Queueing Theory in a Smart City : Conference Paper / Liliia Podlesna, Myroslava Bublyk, Igor Grybyk, Yurii Matseliukh, Yevhen Burov, Petro Kravets, Olga Lozynska, Ihor Karpov, Ivan Peleshchak, Roman Peleshchak // CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 9th International Conference on Mathematics. Information Technologies. Education, MoMLeT&DS 2020, 2-3 June 2020, Lviv-Shatsk, Ukraine. – 2020. – V. 2631. – P. 502–515. (Індексовано в НМБД SciVerse Scopus).

Публікація матеріалів конференції


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