Ruslan Kravets
Ruslan Bohdanovych Kravets | |
Birth date | October 3, 1957 |
Nationality | Ukrainian |
Research areas | Methods of analyzing
the effectiveness of web forums |
Degree | Doctor of Technical Sciences |
Supervisor | Ph.D., associated professor Volodymyr Pasichnyk |
Degree awarding | 2002 |
Academic status | Associate Professor |
Current position | Associate professor at the Department of SCIA, LPNU |
Ruslan Bohdanovych Kravets (*October 2, 1981) – is a Doctor of Technical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of Social Communications and Information Activities of the Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Ruslan Kravets was born on October 3, 1981.
Academic activities
Teacher of the courses:
- Information technology of business organization
- Modern information technology
- Technology knowledge management
Scientific activities
In 2002 he defended his doctoral with research work «Modeling data mining system based on relational databases» of the specialization 01.05.02 «Mathematical modeling and computational methods». The dissertation advisor – doctor of Technical Sciences, associate professor Volodymyr Pasichnyk, Lviv Polytechnic National University, head of the Information systems and networks Department.
Research areas
- Methods of analyzing the effectiveness of web forums
Selected publications:
- Global information systems and technologies (Models of effective analysis, processing and data protection) / Pasichnyk V.V, Zhezhnych P.I, Kravec R.B., Peleshchyshyn A.M., Tarasov D.O..- Lviv: publishing office of Lviv Polytechnic, 2006.- 350 p.
- The analysis and monitoring of the functioning of the Web Forum / Yu. O. Syerov, R. B. Kravets, A. M. Peleshchyshyn // Radioelectronics and Youth in XXI century : materials 13th Internat. youth forum, May, 30 — April, 1. 2009 y. / Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics. - Kharkiv: KNURE, 2009. — P. 2. — P. 415.
- Methods of analyzing the effectiveness of web forums/ Yu. O. Syerov, R. B. Kravets, A. M. Peleshchyshyn // Informational systems and networks / as revised by V.V. Pasichnyk. —Lviv: publishing office of Lviv Polytechnic, 2009. — P. 197-206. — (Newsletter of the Lviv Polytechnic; № 653)
- Software for determination of behavior patterns of WEB-forum members / Yu. Syerov, R. Kravets // Computing / Ternopil National Economic University, Department of Information Computing Systems and Control. — 2009. — Т. 8, вип. 2. — P. 119-125.
- Methods of analyzing the effectiveness of web forums / Yu. O. Syerov, R. B. Kravets, V. Sivokozov // Computer Science and Engineering: Materials III Intern. science and practical conference of young scientists. – 2009, Ukraine, Lviv / Lviv Polytechnic National University. — Lviv: publishing office of Lviv Polytechnic, 2009. — P. 84-86.
Mytropolyta Andreya St., 3, 4th academic building, room 523
Phone number: +38 (032) 258-25-95