Nataliya Horbal

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Nataliya Horbal
Науковий ступінь PhD (ДК №011332)
Вчене звання Associate Professor (атестат ДК №010264)



Associate Professor of the Foreign trade and customs department, Deputy Head on International Activities


Lviv Polytechic National University

  • bachelor and specialist diplomas with honor, specialization «Management of foreign economic activity», 1997
  • post-graduate study, specialization «Management and Marketing», PhD received in 2001

Professional activity

2012 – till now – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Trade and Customs

2002 – 2012 – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Associate Professor of the Department of Management and International Business

2001 – 2002 – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Senior Teacher of the Department of Management and International Business

1999 – 2001 – Lviv Polytechnic National University, Assistant Teacher of the Department of Management and International Business

Educational work

Courses taught: "EU Competitiveness: Diagnosis and Strategy", "International Marketing"

Disciplines taught in English: "EU competitiveness: diagnostics and strategy", "International marketing", "Strategic management", "International business", "Foreign economic activity of an enterprise"

Scientific and research work

Title of Ph.D. thesis: «Аdvertising expenditure evaluation and formation іn the enterprise’s marketing system» (specialty «Management and Marketing»), 2001.

Participation in state budget projects

  • DB-87/Corporation «Development of the corporate governance system in the context of economic reform», 2000-2001.

International grants

  • 2019 – 2022 – Erasmus+ J.Monnet Module «EU competitiveness boosting: circular economy» (610641-EPP-1-2019-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE) (

Qualification training

  • 2022 – international training under the Erasmus + KA105 program (Rustavi, Georgia)
  • 2021 – 2 international trainings under the Erasmus + KA1 program (Hatay, Ankara, Turkey)
  • 2020 – 3-month internship at the Department of Economics of Ukraine, Lviv National University
  • 2019 – internship for teachers "Educational systems of the EU: prospects of cooperation and development" (Yerevan, Armenia)
  • 2018, 2019, 2020 – English & Professional Development Winter Schools at Lviv Polytechnic
  • 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 – English & Professional Development Summer Schools at Lviv Polytechnic
  • 2017 – British Council and Kingston University Workshops on Educational and Pedagogical Skills, Lviv
  • 2016 – British Council «Researcher Connect» program, Lviv
  • 2016 – Workshop on simulation of civic education
  • 2015–2017 – German language courses, B1 level, the Austrian Library, Lviv
  • 2015–2017 – Joint project of the Lviv Polytechnic and Diamond FMS (The Netherlands) «Diamond BootCamp 2016»
  • 2015, 2011 – Internship at the Lviv Locomotive Repair Plant
  • 2014 – The British Council Aptis Report – C-level of CEFR Skills
  • 2014 – Training “Effective Business Management with Parus Systems» organized by «Parus» Corporation
  • 2013–2014 – The course on psychological and pedagogical knowledge at the Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • 2012–2014 – English Course, B2 level, the Linguistic and Educational Center of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • 2012 – Training seminars «Development of communication skills» at Lviv Polytechnic National University
  • 2004 – Summer Institute, Consortium for Enhancement of Management Education in Ukraine (CEUME) (Yalta)
  • 2003–2008 – Seminars of the Consortium for Enhancement of Management Education in Ukraine (CEUME) (Lviv)
  • 2001 – Community Connections Program (Kansas City), USA
  • 1996 – Coventry University (Coventry), UK. TEMPUS TACIS, English language and professional course

Other achievements

  • Business trainer at the Exporter's School for Beginners, organized by the Lviv Regional State Administration, the Lviv Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Association of Professional Customs Intermediaries and Lviv Polytechnic National University (2020-2021)
  • Member of the Coordinating Committee of the International Organization "Ecumenical Forum of European Christian Women" (EFECW)
  • Supervisor of the master's student of the ZMD department - I. Plish, who received a diploma of the II degree in the second round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the specialization "Management of foreign economic activity" April 21-22, 2021 at the State University "Odesa Polytechnic"
  • Participation in international events: scientific seminar "Youth Cooperation between East and West", 2017, Warsaw (Poland); workshop "Facilitating the participation of Ukraine in the European Research Area and Erasmus +", 2017, Tallinn (Estonia); workshop "Facilitating the participation of Ukraine in the European Research Area and Erasmus +", 2017, Uppsala (Sweden); workshop "Challenges of the Scientific and Technological Evolution for the Export Control Systems" of the Science and Technology Center (SCTU), 2018, Tbilisi (Georgia); Assemblies of the International Organization "Ecumenical Forum of European Christian Women", 2016 in Larnaca (Cyprus) and 2018 in Sokograd (Serbia)

Key publications in recent years

Textbooks and manuals

  • Kuzmin O.E., Horbal N.I. Management of international competitiveness of the enterprise: textbook. - Lviv: Compact-LV, 2005. - 304 p.
  • Kuzmin O.E., Horbal N.I. Management of international competitiveness of the enterprise (organization): textbook. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2004. - 188 p.
  • Mikhailiv Z.V., Gatalyak Z.P., Horbal N.I. International credit and settlement relations and currency transactions: textbook. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2004. - 244 p.


  • Increasing the competitiveness of the EU: circular economy: monograph / ed. O.Ye. Kuzmin, O.G. Melnyk, N.І. Horbal. - Lviv: City Information Systems, 2021. - 190 p. (in Ukrainian).
  • Melnyk O. Circular economy model adoption for waste management in Ukraine: European experience / Strategies, models and technologies of economic management systems in the context of international economic integration: collective monograph // O. Melnyk, N. Horbal, L. Zaliska, I. Tiagnyriadko. - Riga, Latvia: Institute of Economics of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, 2020. - 296 p.
  • Horbal N. Research of ecosystems and problems of environmental innovation systems design, Vol. 3.: collective monograph / Odrekhivskyy M., Kohut U., Horbal N. - Sofia: VUZF Publishing House “St. Gregory the Theologian ”, Sofia, 2019. - 355 p.
  • Horbal N. Management mechanisms and development strategies of economic entities in conditions of institutional transformations of the global environment. Vol. 2 .: collective monograph / N. Horbal, O. Hoshovska, S. Romanyshyn. - Riga: “Landmark” SIA, 2019. - 352 p.
  • Chyrkova Y. The balanced development of the national economy under the conditions of modern world transformations: collective monograph / Y. Chyrkova, N. Horbal, R. Lohvynenko. - Daugavpils: Daygava Print, 2019. - 228 p.
  • Horbal N. Analysis of the Ukrainian national startup market as the basis for innovation-oriented economy in the European environment / Horbal N., Goshovska O., Fedorova G. // Transformational processes the development of economic systems in conditions of globalization: collective monograph in 2 Vol. / ISMA University. - Riga: «Landmark» SIA, 2018. - Vol. 2. - 352 p.
  • Horbal N. International migration of Ukrainians in the context of European integration / Horbal N.I., Romanyshyn S.B., Durdela R.I. // Strategies for Economic Development: The experience of Poland and the prospects of Ukraine: collective monograph. - Poland: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, 2018. - Vol. 1. - 308 p.
  • Romanyshyn S.B., Martyniuk I.I., Horbal N.I. Integration processes in the development of small-scale agricultural production of Ukraine: monograph. - Lviv: Rastr-7 Publishing House, 2016. - 176 p. (in Ukrainian).
  • Kuzmin O.E., Romanyshyn S.B., Horbal N.I. Advertising strategy of the enterprise: monograph. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House, 2008. - 168 p. (in Ukrainian).

Publications in Web of Science and Scopus journals

  • Shpak N., Podolchak N., Karkovska V., Sroka W., Horbal N. (2022). The application of tools for assessing the financial security of enterprises. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia, 10(2), 29–44.
  • Shpak N., Maznyk L., Dvulit Z., Doroshkevych K., Horbal N., Kis S. (2021). Smart Contract as a Way to Exchange Digital Values in Blockchain. 2021 IEEE 16th International Conference on Computer Sciences and Information Technologies (CSIT), 403-406.
  • Shpak N., Kulyniak I., Gvozd M., Vveinhardt J., Horbal N. (2021). Formulation of development strategies for regional agricultural resource potential: the Ukrainian case. Resources. - Vol. 10, iss. 6, p. 57.
  • Shpak N., Melnyk O., Horbal N., Ruda M., Sroka W. (2021). Assessing the Implementation of the Circular Economy in the EU countries. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia. - Vol. 9. - No. 1. - P. 25–39.
  • Shpak N., Mykytiuk O., Dvulit Z., Maznyk L., Horbal N. (2021). Simulation of the attractiveness of transport services as a tool for assessing consumer loyalty in the digital epoch / CEUR Workshop Proceedings. - Vol. 2870: Proceedings of the 5th International conference on computational linguistics and intelligent systems (COLINS 2021), Lviv, Ukraine, April 22–23, 2021. Volume I: main conference. - R. 1500–1510.
  • Hoshovska O., Poplavska Zh., Kryvinska N., Horbal N. (2020). Considering random factors in modeling complex microeconomic systems. Mathematics. - Vol. 8, iss. 8. - P. 1–18.
  • Horbal N.I., Bespalyuk H.M., Denisyuk O.V. Psychological factors in the formation of pricing tactics // Marketing and Innovation Management. - 2018. - № 1. - P. 140–151. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I. Transformation of marketing communications of Ukrainian enterprises in the conditions of crisis, globalization and European integration / N.I. Horbal, К.О. Dziubina, V.I. Motornyuk // Marketing and Innovation Management. - 2017. - №3. - P. 96-110. (in Ukrainian).

Publications in professional journals

  • Horbal N.I., Lomaga Yu.R. Circular economy – the basis of sustainable development of enterprises / Bulletin of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic". Series "Problems of economics and management". - 2022. - Vol. 6, № 1. - P. 9–24. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N. I., Nitsenko D. O. Recommendation marketing: peculiarities and prospects of application // Management and entrepreneurship in Ukraine: stages of formation and development problems. - 2022. - Issue 4, № 1. - pp. 7–15. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I., Krokhmalna Ya.O. Wasteless production in Ukraine: the experience of the EU // Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Stages of Formation and Problems of Development. - 2021. - № 2 (6). - P. 149–158. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I., Mazuryk M.M., Mykytyn O.Z. Introduction of circular economy on the basis of European experience // Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series: Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: Stages of Formation and Problems of Development. - 2021. - № 2 (6). - P. 272–279. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I., Kohut U.I., Motornyuk U.I. Research on the competitiveness of the EU and its member states // Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: stages of formation and problems of development. - 2021. - V. 3, № 1. - P. 193–203. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I., Plish I.V. Circular business models for sustainable development of Ukrainian enterprises // Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series "Problems of Economics and Management". - 2021. - V. 5, № 1. - P. 15–29. (in Ukrainian).
  • Adamiv M.E., Horbal N.I., Kots I.I. The role of the customs system in ensuring the competitiveness of the EU in terms of sustainable development // Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: stages of formation and problems of development. - 2021. - V. 3, № 2. - P. 272–279. (in Ukrainian).
  • Dzvonyk R., Horbal N., Hoshovska O. Modeling the impact of GCI components on Ukraine competitiveness // Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series "Problems of Economics and Management". - 2020. - V. 4, № 2. - P. 1–7.
  • Horbal N.I., Adamiv M.Ye., Chumak A.S. Adaptation of circular economy principles to waste management in Ukraine / Bulletin of Lviv Polytechnic National University. Series "Problems of Economics and Management". - 2020. - T. 4, № 1. - P. 159-166.
  • Horbal N.I., Mykytyn O.Z., Mykhalkov M.O. Development of agro-industry of Ukraine in terms of European integration / Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: stages of formation and problems of development. - 2020. - Vol. 2, no. 1. - P. 78-86. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I. Innovations as a factor in increasing the competitiveness of Ukraine / V.Ya. Pushak, N.I. Horbal // Bulletin of Economic Science of Ukraine. - 2020. - № 1 (38). - P. 131-137. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I., Hindyak R.V. Analysis of the global competitiveness of the European Union / Management and Entrepreneurship in Ukraine: stages of formation and problems of development. - 2020. - Vol. 2, no. 1. - P.87-96. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I., Smereka L.V., Mykytyn O.Z. Competitive intelligence: essence, significance, prospects of development // Management and entrepreneurship in Ukraine: stages of formation and problems of development. - 2019. - V. 1, № 2. - P. 43–50. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I., Mykytyn O.Z., Sukha A.Ya. State regulation of competition in Ukraine and the EU // Business Inform. - 2019. - № 4. - P. 66–71. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I., Sharovsky Ya.O., Yaroshenko V.V. Competitive situation in the postal market of Ukraine // Business Inform. - 2019. - № 5. - P. 123–128. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I., Romanyshyn S.B., Shalin A.S. The real estate market of Ukraine: trends and prospects // Business Inform. - 2019. - № 3. - P. 149–154. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I., Romanyshyn S.B., Tsikhotsky P.I. Formation and modern features of competition policy in Ukraine // Business Inform. - 2019. - № 2. - P. 72–77. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I. Tendencies and prospects of development of Ukrainian export / N.I. Horbal, V.V. Gresko, R.V. Hudyma // Business Inform. - 2019. - №1. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I. The profession of SMM-marketer in Ukraine: problems and prospects / N.I. Horbal, К.О. Ilnytska, S.B. Romanyshyn // Business Inform. - 2018. - №12. - P. 477–482. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I. Development of the tourist industry of Ukraine in terms of European integration / N.I. Horbal, V.I. Kohut, A.V. Lilyanova // Business Inform. - 2018. - № 4. - P. 139-145. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I. COSME: development and increase of competitiveness of Ukrainian enterprises in the EU markets / М.V. Ruda, N.I. Horbal, V.S. Ilnytsky // Business Inform. - 2018. - № 3. - P. 252–258. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I. European landmarks of Ukrainian education / N.I. Horbal, S.I. Naumchuk, S.B. Romanyshyn, K.O. Sikorska // Business Inform. - 2018. - №2. - P. 75–80. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N. Internet advertising: the specifics, tendencies of development and impact on sales / N. Horbal, M. Naychuk-Khrushch, B. Orlykova // Econtechmod: An International Quarterly Journal on Economics in Technology, New Technologies and Modeling Processes. - 2017. - Vol. 6, no. 1. - P. 37–46.
  • Horbal N.I. The impact of EU membership on the competitiveness of Eastern Europe / N.I. Horbal, К.А. Kukhtiak, М.В. Ruda // Scientific Bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine: Economic Series. - Lviv: RVV NLTU of Ukraine. - 2017, iss. 27.7. - P. 53-58. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I. Vending startup on the Ukrainian market / N.I. Horbal, Z.Yu. Keller, M.B. Naichuk-Khrushch // Scientific Bulletin of NLTU of Ukraine. The series is economic. - 2017. - V. 27 (2). - P. 53–57. (in Ukrainian).
  • Horbal N.I. The main problems of functioning of PJSC "Ukrzaliznytsia" and recommended ways to solve them / N.I. Horbal, М.М. Zaremba, S.B. Romanyshyn // Bulletin of the National University "Lviv Polytechnic". Logistics series. - 2017. - № 863. - P. 34-41. (in Ukrainian).